




  1. 画面更新の停止
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

  2. 正規表現オブジェクトの作成
    Dim reg
    Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

  3. 正規表現パターンの設定
    With reg
    .Pattern = "ケ月|ヶ月|カ月|ヵ月|箇月"
    .IgnoreCase = True
    .Global = True
    End With
    この部分では、検索するパターンを設定しています。5つの異なる「月」の表記をすべて含むパターンを設定し、大文字小文字の区別をなくし(`.IgnoreCase = True`)、全体を検索するようにしています(`.Global = True`)。

  4. セルごとの値の置換
    For Each myRng In Selection
    txt = myRng.Value
    txt = reg.Replace(txt, "か月")
    myRng.Value = txt
    Next myRng

  5. 画面更新の再開
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True


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Standardizing 5 Patterns of "Month"

This explanation is created by ChatGPT.

This VBA procedure is designed to standardize specific kanji patterns ("ケ月", "ヶ月", "カ月", "ヵ月", "箇月") found in Excel cell values to the hiragana "か月". Here's a step-by-step explanation of how it works:

Explanation of the Procedure

  1. Stop Screen Updating
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    This line stops the screen from updating during the execution of the code. It helps to speed up the process and prevent flickering.

  2. Create a Regular Expression Object
    Dim reg
    Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    A RegExp object from VBScript is created to use regular expressions. Regular expressions are useful for searching and replacing string patterns.

  3. Set Regular Expression Pattern
    With reg
    .Pattern = "ケ月|ヶ月|カ月|ヵ月|箇月"
    .IgnoreCase = True
    .Global = True
    End With
    This part sets the pattern to search for, including five different "month" representations. It ignores case differences (`.IgnoreCase = True`) and searches the entire string (`.Global = True`).

  4. Replace Cell Values
    For Each myRng In Selection
    txt = myRng.Value
    txt = reg.Replace(txt, "か月")
    myRng.Value = txt
    Next myRng
    It checks each cell in the selected range, replacing any matching pattern with "か月".

  5. Resume Screen Updating
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Finally, it resumes the screen updating.

This procedure is handy for bulk replacing text in multiple cells in Excel, useful for unifying representations in reports or data entry sheets.

For more information on Excel VBA, visit:


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