

自分らしさの再発見と英語に触れる機会になるように英語日記始めます。一緒に始めませんか? 使用図書:CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記(アルク出版編集部)


【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#153 Have you learned any new trivias lately?

The season for eels is winter. I heard that the custom of eating eels on Midsummer Day of the Ox originated as a promotional tactic to boost sales. I’ve hardly ever eaten eels in the winter, but I want to try it. 【#153】 最近知った豆知識はある? 鰻の旬は冬

    • 【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#152 Were you able to stay true to yourself today?

      Yes, I could stay true to myself. I had an ordinary but happy day. It’s all thanks to the people around me. I’m happy that I have a place where I can stay true to myself. 【#152】 今日のあなたは、あなたらしくいられましたか? うん、自分らしくいられた。とても普通だけど幸せな1日だった。これは周りの人

      • 【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#151 Is there a famous person whom you would like to meet?

        Ms.Tetsuko Kuroyanagi popped into my head. I would like to eat a parfait with her and ask for her fashion advice! It also would be fun to go shopping together. 【#151】 会ってみたい有名人はいますか? 黒柳徹子さんがパッと浮かんだ。 一緒にパフェを食べて、ファッションのアドバイスがもらいたいな!一緒にお買い物

        • 【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#150 Please tell me the best and the worst things that happened today.

          I took a long nap today, so thanks to it, I could overcome lack of sleep! It was good, but I’m sorry that I couldn’t do what I wanted at all. 【#150】 今日一番のよかったことと悪かったことを教えてください。 今日はたくさん昼寝をして、睡眠不足を解消できた!それはよかったんだけど、やりたいことは全然できなかったことは残念だった。

        【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#153 Have you learned any new trivias lately?

        • 【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#152 Were you able to stay true to yourself today?

        • 【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#151 Is there a famous person whom you would like to meet?

        • 【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#150 Please tell me the best and the worst things that happened today.

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#149 what is “happiness” to you?

          I have loved ones and I can experience various things. Furthermore, I feel happier when my loved ones look calm and happy. So I think daily life is full of happy things. 【#149】 あなたにとって「幸せ」って何ですか? 大好きな人がいることと様々な体験ができていること。更に大好きな人達が穏やかで幸せそう

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#149 what is “happiness” to you?

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#148 Please write down your feelings that you usually cannot convey to that special person.

          To my family members, I appreciate your love and staying with me! And I thank you for adding color to my life and making me feel happier. Thank you always! 【#148】 大切なあの人へ、日頃伝えられずにいる気持ちをつづってください。 家族のみんなへ 私を愛してくれていること、一緒にいてくれていることに感謝!私の人生に彩

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#148 Please write down your feelings that you usually cannot convey to that special person.

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#147 Do you have any new secrets today?

          I will go to Tokyo alone. It’s not a secret, but I haven’t told my husband yet. I think either of us going out alone is normal, but I feel he doesn’t think so. So it’s a little hard to say, but I think we will get used to it. 【#147】 今日、できて

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#147 Do you have any new secrets today?

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#146 What kind of future do you wish for?

          I’d like all of creatures on the Earth to live together in good health and happy. First of all, I identify what makes me happy and increases those moments in my life. Second, I’d like to contribute the happiness of those close to me. I hop

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#146 What kind of future do you wish for?

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#145 Who would you like to see tomorrow?

          My mother popped into my head. I haven’t seen her lately. I miss her. I will send her a message on LINE after posting this. 【#145】明日、会いたい人は誰ですか? 母が頭に浮かんだ。最近会ってないな。会いたいな。この投稿をしたらLINEを送ろう。

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#145 Who would you like to see tomorrow?

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#144 Is there someplace that you are interested in right now?

          Lately, I have been curious about historical places, such as Portugal, Kyoto and Nara. However, to be honest, my recent interest is fashion and appearance! I’m engrossed in them, I can’t think of anything else. 【#144】今、気になっている場所はありますか? 最近

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#144 Is there someplace that you are interested in right now?

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#143 What is your most precious treasure?

          It’s my life. Without any of my ancestors, I wouldn’t exist, and without any person who took care about me when I was a child, I also wouldn’t exist. When I think about that, I consider my existence to be miraculous and lovely. 【#143】あなたにと

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#143 What is your most precious treasure?

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#142 What animals did you see today?

          I always see cute dogs on a walk during my commute, but I couldn’t see them. Instead, I saw pretty cats on Instagram. It’s so soothing. 【#142】今日見た動物は? いつも通勤途中に散歩中のかわいい犬を見るけど、今日は会えなかった。代わりに、インスタでかわいい猫を見た。癒されるわー。

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#142 What animals did you see today?

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#141 What snacks have you had today?

          I took a bite of a tofu donut. I often buy it at my favorite grocery store. It’s delicious either baked or chilled in a refrigerator! I also like that the ingredients are simple. 【#141】今日食べたおやつは? 豆腐ドーナツを一口。お気に入りのスーパーでよく買うもの。焼いても、冷蔵庫で冷やしても

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#141 What snacks have you had today?

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#140 What would you like to be doing this time next year?

          I would like to work on projects that connect Japan and other countries through beautiful themes next year. And I want to visit my overseas work place with my family. It still doesn’t seem real right now, but I believe everything starts wit

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#140 What would you like to be doing this time next year?

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#139 What memory would you like to keep forever?

          There are many, but it’s memories of trips from my school days. When I arrived Bangkok, I could smell spices, Paris smelled like soap, Amsterdam smelled like dairy farms. After I became a working adult, I couldn’t smell those scents. 【#139

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#139 What memory would you like to keep forever?

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#138 What do you want the most right now ?

          It’s the world without wars. I think competition in technologies is necessary, but it must not be something that harm people or destroy the earth. 【#138】今、一番欲しいものは何ですか? 戦争のない世界かな。 技術競争は必要だと思うけど、それが人々を傷つけたり、地球を破壊するものであっては絶対にいけないと思う。

          【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#138 What do you want the most right now ?