Magnolia Research & Service

Magnolia Research & Service


Did You Know that You Are Eligible for Working with Your Spouse Visa?

Visa is pretty complicated and there are tons of professional to take care of, so here, I only write about the simplest and easiest question that many expats' p…

What is Ku-Yakusho?What is Registration?

Once you have arrived in Japan, first thing you have to do is your Registration. Registration can be done at Ward Office (in Japanese, "Ku-Yakusho") and you hav…

Registration is the First Step

Welcome to Japan! You have been through so many documents, complications and patients until you came to Japan! Now you are in Japan as a legal “mid/long term …


Magnolia Research & Service LLC is based in Yokohama, and we do language support for those who has trouble for “small” stuff for living in Japan. What Magnol…

Did You Know that You Are Eligible for Working with Your Spouse Visa?

Did You Know that You Are Eligible for Working with Your Spouse Visa?

Visa is pretty complicated and there are tons of professional to take care of, so here, I only write about the simplest and easiest question that many expats' partner(spouse) may have:


What is Ku-Yakusho?What is Registration?

What is Ku-Yakusho?What is Registration?

Once you have arrived in Japan, first thing you have to do is your Registration.
Registration can be done at Ward Office (in Japanese, "Ku-Yakusho") and you have to go to the Ku-yakusho of your addres


Registration is the First Step

Welcome to Japan!
You have been through so many documents, complications and patients until you came to Japan!
Now you are in Japan as a legal “mid/long term resident” witj your “zairyuu card (=resid



Magnolia Research & Service LLC is based in Yokohama, and we do language support for those who has trouble for “small” stuff for living in Japan.

What Magnolia Research & Service LLC can do for you ?
