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Life often presents us with unexpected situations, and sometimes, those experiences take us to places we never imagined visiting. One such experience for me was living in Ghana, West Africa. Moving from a country like Japan, known for its convenience and modernity, to a place where many things I took for granted were not easily accessible was a major shift. Yet, in Ghana, I discovered something invaluable: joy in simplicity and contentment in what truly matters.

Embracing a New Environment

In Japan, daily life is full of conveniences. Everything is within reach—grocery stores, reliable transportation, advanced technology—making life smooth and predictable. Moving to Ghana initially felt like stepping back in time. Without the infrastructure and convenience of a highly developed country, I faced new challenges. There were no supermarkets around every corner, and public transportation wasn’t as organized. Simple tasks like fetching water or cooking a meal required more effort.

However, the people I encountered in Ghana showed me a different perspective on life. Despite lacking material wealth, their hearts were full of gratitude and praise for the Lord. In their daily routines and interactions, they reflected a deep sense of joy and contentment that I had not seen in many other places. This joy was not based on external circumstances but on something much deeper.

Finding Joy in Community

Ghanaian people have a strong sense of community. I often found myself gathered with them under the shade of a tree, in an open playground, or even at small gatherings where the focus was on sharing stories, singing hymns, and giving thanks to God. There were no elaborate church buildings or grand worship stages, yet the presence of the Lord was felt more powerfully than ever. The simplicity of their praise and worship was a reminder that God’s presence does not depend on our surroundings but on our hearts.

In those moments, I saw joy manifest in the purest form. It wasn’t about the place, the resources, or the circumstances; it was about being together with like-minded people who cherished their faith and loved the Lord deeply. I realized that joy could be found in the most unexpected places—under a tree, in a small village church, or even sitting on a wooden bench with people singing songs of praise.

Overcoming Hardships Through Faith

Despite the simplicity, life in Ghana was not without its challenges. The people there faced many hardships, from economic difficulties to limited access to healthcare and education. But what stood out was how they approached these difficulties with unwavering faith. Instead of complaining or feeling discouraged, they leaned on the Lord and each other. Their faith seemed to grow stronger in the face of adversity, and their joy remained unshaken.

Being in such an environment, I couldn’t help but be influenced by their outlook on life. I found myself re-evaluating my own perspectives on happiness and success. Was it really tied to material wealth, convenience, or social status? Or was it something much deeper—something that could be found even in the most unexpected and challenging places?

A New Definition of Joy

One particular day stands out in my memory. We were gathered in a playground with a small group of believers, singing hymns. There was no microphone or musical instruments, just our voices and the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves. As we sang, I noticed the smiles on everyone’s faces. Their joy was palpable, not because of the place or the occasion, but because of their shared faith and the presence of the Lord among us.

It was then that I realized that joy is not something we find in external circumstances but something we carry within us. It is nurtured through faith, gratitude, and community. Joy is not the absence of hardship but the presence of God in the midst of it.

Lessons Learned

My time in Ghana taught me valuable lessons that I continue to carry with me. I learned that joy could be found in unexpected places—under a tree, on a dusty road, or in the company of people who love the Lord. It’s not about where we are but who we are with and where our hearts are focused. When we look beyond our circumstances and focus on God’s presence, we can find joy even in the simplest of places.

I brought these lessons back to Japan with me. Whenever I find myself caught up in the busyness of life or feeling discontent, I remind myself of those gatherings under the tree, the heartfelt prayers, and the joyful songs. It helps me to realign my heart and find joy in my current circumstances, no matter how unexpected they may be.

Finding Joy Wherever You Are

If you find yourself in a place that feels inconvenient or challenging, I encourage you to look for joy in the unexpected. Open your heart to the people around you, seek God’s presence, and let faith guide you. Remember that true joy is not tied to where we are or what we have but to our connection with the Lord and the love we share with others. Even in the most unexpected places, you may find a joy that surpasses all understanding.
