


  • ファイル/フォルダを別のフォルダに移動する、コピーする。

  • ファイルを別のフォルダにあるドロップレットにドロップする。



script MyScript
	tell application "Finder"
		set window_count to count the Finder window
		set screen_bounds to bounds of window of desktop
		set screen_width to item 3 of screen_bounds
		set screen_hight to item 4 of screen_bounds
		set left_window_bounds to {30, (screen_hight / 7) div 1, (screen_width / 2) div 1 - 5, (screen_hight / 7) div 1 * 6}
		set right_window_bounds to {(screen_width / 2) div 1 + 5, (screen_hight / 7) div 1, screen_width - 30, (screen_hight / 7) div 1 * 6}
		set sidebar_width to 150
		if window_count is greater than 1 then
			tell Finder window 1
				set the bounds to left_window_bounds
				set the sidebar width to sidebar_width
			end tell
			tell Finder window 2
				set the bounds to right_window_bounds
				set the sidebar width to sidebar_width
			end tell
			if window_count is 0 then
				set Finder_window1 to make new Finder window
			end if
			tell Finder window 1
				set the bounds to left_window_bounds
				set the sidebar width to sidebar_width
			end tell
			set Finder_window2 to make new Finder window
			tell Finder_window2
				set the bounds to right_window_bounds
				set the sidebar width to sidebar_width
			end tell
		end if
		tell application "System Events"
			set frontmost of process "Finder" to true
		end tell
	end tell
end script

on run
	local tempScript
	copy MyScript to tempScript
	run tempScript
end run
