
Member Interview



Member Interview Vol. 7~ Developing organization and  structure as a company~

Member Interview Vol. 7~ Developing organization and  structure as a company~

Today, I'm introducing our COO/CFO, Mr. Kondo.

- Could you tell me your role at Lily MedTech?I've just appointed to COO / CFO this July and I’m responsible for manufacturing, sales, administration a

Member Interview Vol. 6 ~ Intellectual property as business tool

Member Interview Vol. 6 ~ Intellectual property as business tool

Today, I'm introducing Ms. Gunning, who joined Lily MedTech in its early days to protect our research outcomes as an IP professional. Through this interview, you may find how her job changed in accord

Member Interview Vol.5

Member Interview Vol.5

Today, I'm introducing Ms. Seki, who joined the project before Lily MedTech was incorporated as a company.

- Could you tell me your role at Lily MedTech?As I joined the USCT project in very early st

Member Interview Vol.4 ~ Technical fellow to control system~

Member Interview Vol.4 ~ Technical fellow to control system~

Today, I'm introducing Mr. Yuge, a fellow of engineering.

- What is your role at Lily MedTech?As a fellow of engineering, I’m taking care of total system and embedded software.

- Could you tall m
