#2022年VTuber楽曲10選 (歌ってみた編) Liber(リベル)選択
Hello. This is part of 野良猫のユウ's project to select 10 songs from 2022. This post will be focused on Covers for the entirety of 2022. As noted, I'm not a native Japanese speaker, so most of the Japanese translation will be done through machine translation, with a few edits by me (for names and pronouns) with my limited knowledge of Japanese.
I think covers are interesting in their own way. Some covers are great because the original song is great, and the cover does a good job imitating it. Other times, the singer is able to put their own image and style and change the song while having similarity with the original. This allows covers to have diversity and uniqueness even though it is the same song.
The original project post is below:
I have previously written about my top 10 originals in the first half and second half of 2022 below:
1. ノンブレス・オブリージュ covered by 花譜
花譜の柔らかくも力強い歌声がさらに増幅された美しい曲。元々はボカロが素人目にはとても速く感じるスピードで歌うために作られたもの。花譜は曲の本質を捉えたカバーを完璧に歌いこなしている。サビは息切れしそうな勢いで歌い、その後に続く力強いスクリームとの対比。 出だしから最後のあえぎ声まで、全編にわたって見事にカバーされている。
A beautiful song that is further amplified by KAF's soft but powerful voice. Originally made for Vocaloids to sing at a speed that seems so fast to the untrained ear. KAF does a perfect job at producing a cover that captures the essence of the song. The chorus is sung as if she is about to run out of breath, contrasting with the strong screams that follow it. The whole song is beautifully covered from the start to the final gasp.
2. 星の消えた夜に covered by HACHI
HACHI's cover of Aimer's song using a piano arrangement is truly unique and beautiful. It creates a even more melancholic and ethereal feeling to the whole song. I think it is even more powerful than the original in creating a starry night sky feeling. The love that is conveyed in the song feels sadder and more lonely than the original.
3. 金木犀の夜 - きのこ帝国 covered by 明透
Compared to the original, ASU's cover feels more innocent and light hearted like a pure maiden's love. The original song and its MV feels more adult and sexy, which allows ASU's version to stand out as a cover. The start of the song is sung a bit soft and cute. The chorus on the other hand is more mature, but still maintains a pure feeling of innocent love.
4. POP STAR - 平井堅 covered by 長瀬有花
有花さんは、歌うものすべてを自分だけのものにする素晴らしい能力を持っています。有花さんの声とスタイルは、有花さんが歌ってみたするどんな曲も変換することができる。POP STARは象徴的な曲ですが、有花さんはオリジナルのフィーリングを保ちつつ、少しソフトでアップビートな曲に仕上げ、さらにアップビートな曲にしています。有花さんのキュートでリラックスした感じが、このカバーを唯一無二のものにしている。
Yuka has an amazing ability to make everything she sings sound unique to her. Her voice and style is able to convert any song she covers. POP STAR is an iconic song, but Yuka is able to keep the original feeling while making the song a bit softer and upbeat and even more upbeat. The cute and relaxing feeling of Yuka makes this cover one of a kind.
5. 僕が死のうと思ったのは covered by 鹿乃
The clearness in Kano's voice amplifies the emotional impact of the song. With such sad lyrics, Kano does an amazing job at making us cry with how sad and emotional the cover sounds. Each word is so light, yet carries a lot of weight. The piano arrangement combines to make a very great cover.
6. 8.32 - *Luna covered by 橙里セイ
Sei's cover are always very unique to her because of her own Piano arrangement. With her voice at a lower range, I think she makes the cover sound even cooler than the original. It is still able to capture the end of summer feeling, but with an additional layer of energy that is unique to Sei. Leaves me with a smile on my face.
7. この夢が醒めるまで covered by 茜音カンナ
The normally cute and clumsy Canna is able to create a very mature and cool image in this cover. The big contrast in her singing and her personality is always very interesting. The slow rap in the song is also a new image for Canna, and overall it creates a cover that feels very special. The cover is able to imitate the original very well while being unique.
8. エメラルドシティ- TOKOTOKO covered by 水瀬 凪
Nagi's clear voice for this cover is motivating. It feels like you're taking on a trip in the sky with her to the Emerald City. There is a magical feeling as her voice guides you across the night sky with stars all around you. I think she does a great job capturing the feeling of the original with her voice.
9. サ・ヨ・ナ・ラ Summer Holiday - S.E.M Acoustic covered by 鷹森ツヅルB
鷹森ツヅルBのSummer Holidayの歌ってみたがすごいのは、音の良さだけでなく、歌ってみたのすべてのパートを自分たちで手がけていることです。 アコースティックアレンジは、歌ってみたなのに自分たちの曲のように聴こえるという、鷹森ツヅルBの才能が存分に発揮されています。音符の一音一音がはっきり聴こえるのは、他にはない感覚です。
Tsuzuru-B's cover of Summer Holiday is amazing not just because of how good it sounds, but also because they handled every part of the cover themselves. The instrument, mixing, singing, illustration, everything was done by the same person. The acoustic arrangement is a fully display of their talent and ability to make a song feel like its theirs despite being a cover. Being able to hear every beat and note clearly is a unique feeling.
10. 少女S - SCANDAL covered by 家入ポポ
純粋な情熱の歌ってみたポポです。ポポがどれだけBLEACHを愛しているかを知れば、ポポがどれだけ情熱と喜びを持ってBLEACHの曲を歌ってみたしたかが伝わってくるポポ。 この曲は、決して奇をてらった歌ってみたではありませんポポ。 そのキュートな歌声を活かして、原曲の良さを損なうことなく、自分らしくカッコよく歌い上げるポポ。
A cover of pure passion. Knowing how much Popo loves Bleach, you can just feel how much passion and joy she had covering one of its songs. It's not a cover where she tries to put a unique spin on the song. Popo is able to utilize her uniquely cute voice to sing a very cool song in her own way, without betraying the feeling of the original.
ここまでお読みいただき、ありがとうございました また、個人的な企画として、1年の各日にリリースされた曲を1曲ずつ選んでプレイリストにまとめました。ぜひご都合に合わせて聴いてみてください〜
Thank you for reading this far! As a personal project, I have also made a playlist where I selected 1 song that was released on each day of the year and compiled it into a playlist. Please take a listen at your convenience~