2024年2月に好きだったVtuber MV// Vtuber Music Video I Liked in February





Hope everyone had a nice February! It was filled with a lot of fun songs, especially around Valentine. I started this 'note' article because I wanted to convey my passion and interests in Vtuber music. I am currently writing monthly, noting down any MV that I really liked. The order of the MVs do not mean anything, as it may just be in chronological order. I am not musically trained, so I won't be doing any technical review. The only criteria is that I liked the MV.

I don't know who might read these articles, but if I was even able to get one person to discover a new song or singer, I'd say it's a great day.

Note that I am a foreigner, so the articles will be written in English. I'll be using AI to translate to Japanese. As a way for me to also practice my Japanese, I'll type out the translations manually, and make any edits for things like names and context. I apologize if there's any errors or wrong usage of words.

Thank you for reading!

1. 無傷 / 水槽 Covered by うりん(Chérie.)

うりんちゃんは最も美しい歌声の一つを待っています。うりんちゃんがこのきょくを歌った方法は、非常に不気味で魅惑的な感触があり、そこから目(耳)を離すことができません。オリジナルのボーカロイドと比較して、人間の要素がくわることで、うりんちゃん独自の特別な方法で歌ってみたがユニークになります。ヘッドホンで聴くと、特に20秒の辺り、で再現された音の仕上がるが気に入りました。「てし まえ」のRのおとやバイノーラルな感覚が素晴らしいです。うりんちゃんがすべてを囁くように歌うスタイルは完璧そのものです。それらの小さいな要素が全体として組みあわさり,この曲の雰囲気を構築して、本当に美しくて怖い歌ってみたになっています。

Urin has one of the prettiest singing voice. The way she sang this song was had a really eerie and enchanting feeling that you can't turn away from. Compared to the original vocaloid version, having a human element to it allows the cover to be unique in Urin's own special way. If listening with headphones, I really liked the the way she replicated the sounds around the 20 second mark, with the R sounds and binaural feeling of "teshi mae". The whispery way she sings everything is just perfection. All these little elements help combine to build on the atmosphere of the song, making it a really beautiful and scary cover.

2. 彼氏になってよ。/ HoneyWorks様/りるきゃん 〜3 little candy〜 Covered by 栞葉るり&立伝都々


Happy Valentine's Day! The cover from these two for Valentine's Day was such a special treat to me. The song selection was so unique among all the covers that came out on that day. It was interesting to hear the backstory of the two on how they recorded this cover. Toto's happy and cute voice in contrast with a Ruri's cooler and calmer style made this duet really stand out by covering a wide range of style. It really is such a cute song for Valentines that makes the listener's heart flutter.

3. Just You and I / Tacitly


Tacitly originals are always so amazing as they are able to show their multilingual skills by releasing songs in three different language. Their MV, either 2D or 3D always feel very high quality with a lot of thought put into it. This particular song was super fitting for Valentine's Day. I picked the English version of the song as it felt most natural based on the rhythm. It really is a deep and touching romantic that the two girls are able to convey perfectly with their beautiful and clear voice.

4. ハローまたねグッバイ / 仔犬丸たねこ


A very beautiful and motivating song. From the first note, it felt like I was going on a journey through space. As all the instruments joined in along with Taneko's beautiful vocal, the listener can't be helped but be filled with hope and vigour to march forward. The lyrics are very emotional, and could help someone out during a dark time. Combined with the cute MV that had hidden a lot of details, I found myself repeating this song a lot as it lifted my mood. 

5. はなれあうゼロ / Sohbana Covered by それ故


Soreyue's passion and love for Sohbana's songs are always shown through her covers. She sings them with so much emotion and attention to detail, you almost forget it's actually a cover. Every note feels impactful and filled with purpose, as she knows what to emphasize throughout the song. Without changing her unique style of singing with a slight whispery feeling, she is still able to stay true to the original song while making it her own style. Soreyue also puts in a lot of effort to produce quality MV through the artwork and movie by finding the right team. Everything combined makes her covers really high quality and a treat to watch and listen.

6. キツネノマド / Raon Covered by ヒト≒アラズ (シビル&アルバ)


HITONIARAZ, a new duet consisting of Cybill and Alva, debuted with a powerful cover to really show off their strength in singing. The song choice really shows off just how cool they are while leaving a strong impact with the power of their voice. It definitely caught my interest as a new group, and I look forward to hearing them sing more songs in the future. They each have a solo cover on their respective channel as well.

7. sunset memory / 輝マレカ


The melody and lyrics of Mareka's third single has such a nice beat and flow. It's extra nice that Mareka wrote her own lyrics to the song, and really made this original song represent her and her feelings. The fast pace of the song makes it leave an impression as I can easily bob my head to it and listen to it endlessly on loop. However the lyrics also allows me to think deeper into the meaning. The way Mareka sang the song was also very amazing, as she switches from a cool and chill style, to a rap, followed with a softer mellow style before energizing us again at the end.

8. Twilight / ChroNoiR


ChroNoiR had a really amazing album released, but this song stood out because of how beautiful it sounded to me. The ballad with a piano arrangement is filled with a lot of emotions. The song slowly ramps up in intensity which creates this sombre and melancholic feeling. As it is two male vocals, the lower range of the song sounds extra strong as it just resonates with me.

9. オレンジ / とらドラED Covered by sumeshiii a.k.a.バーチャルお寿司

sumeshiii a.k.a.バーチャルお寿司は音楽の才能がすごいです。彼のこのアイコニックな曲のアレンジはとても特別な響きです。オリジナルの感覚を一部残しながら、本当に穏やかでリラックスした要素があります。彼の歌声と一緒に、すべてがうまくいくような気がします。

sumeshiii is super talented when it comes to music. His version of this iconic song with this arrangement sounds super special. It keeps some of the feeling of the original, but has this special element that sounds really peaceful and relaxing to listen to. Along with his singing voice, everything just feels like it'll turn out okay.

10. 明けない夜のリリィ/ 傘村トータ Covered by 蒼星すい


For her 1 year anniversary, Sui gave us a really beautiful cover of Tota's song. Tota's songs have this emotional impact that Sui was able to capture perfectly with her voice. It's filled with feelings and has this strength to just pierce into the listener. 



Thank you for reading the post again this month! I hope you enjoyed it. I'll try to improve my Japanese and understanding of music to better convey my emotions and thoughts. Sometimes I do wonder if I should write more frequently, as there are just so many wonderful songs I'd like to share.

