8月に好きだったVtuber MV// Vtuber Music Video I Liked in August




I started this 'note' article because I wanted to convey my passion and interests in Vtuber music. I am currently writing monthly, noting down any MV that I really liked. The order of the MVs do not mean anything, as it may just be in chronological order. I am not musically trained, so I won't be doing any technical review. The only criteria is that I liked the MV.

I don't know who might read these articles, but if I was even able to get one person to discover a new song or singer, I'd say it's a great day.

Note that I am a foreigner, so the articles will be written in English. I'll be using AI to translate to Japanese. As a way for me to also practice my Japanese, I'll type out the translations manually, and make any edits for things like names and context. I apologize if there's any errors or wrong usage of words in the end.

Thank you for reading!

CHO-DARI-/ covered by それ故


A super amazing cover of one of my favorite song. Soreyue's voice matches the way she sung the song perfectly. The cool and chill rap just melts away your stress and helps you kick back and relax. The MV itself is super cute, with a lot cute details mixed in by the artist. I can't help but want to just sing along to the chorus. Soreyue's voice is suitable for a wide variety of songs, I look forward to her songs every time.

むじゃきなきもち / 長瀬有花

ユニークな長瀬有花さんによって歌われたとてもかわいい曲です。彼女の全ての曲は長瀬有花自身の特徴でいっぱいです。この曲は特に、長瀬有花さんのお気に入りのチロルチョコとのコラボレーションという点でユニークです。代表として素晴らしい存在でありながら、cat napは長瀬有花さんを大いに称える曲を作ることができました。リラックスしたチルホップのビートから、次元を超える歌詞まで、この曲は長瀬有花さんの本質を捉えた非常に楽しくてかわいいMVです。

A super cute song sung by the unique Yuka Nagase. All her songs are filled with her own characteristics. This song is unique as it's a collaboration with her favorite Tirol chocolate brand. Not only does she set up as a great representaive, cat nap is still able to make a song that plays tribute to Yuka Nagase significantly. From the relaxing and chill hop beats to the lyrics on crossing dimensions, this song is a very fun and cute MV that captures the essence of Yuka Nagase. 

夜のせい / 橙里セイ


Sei's third song is unique and special, as it shows a different side of her while showing her growth as a composer and songwriter. Once again, creating and singing the song herself, she creates an amazing that song that is representative of her feelings and emotions. Unlike the previous originals, this song captures a more mature feeling. It's a high tempo style song that just feels easy to dance to as if you're in a night club. However, her bright energy is still conveyed, almost like the energy of the morning sun powers us through the night as well.

初恋 / covered by 伊月知世&白河しらせ


My most looped song this month. The original song was amazing by creating a romantic and relaxed duet. However, Chise and Shirase's cover of the song is very unique in its own way. Rather than a male/female duet, the way the two girls sing it allows them to harmonize even better. Their individual voices are so distinct and beautiful in their own ways, but there's not clash when harmonized together. The relaxed feeling of the song and voice makes it very easy to listen repeatedly without getting tired.

ututu 現実みろ


A very funky song that fits the summer vibe very much. Miro's voice is able to paint this elegant and beautiful picture of summer. However, within it hides a hint of sadness as summer is coming to an end. The overall combination of the music, illustration, MV, and singing is perfection.

YY / covered by かりんとう(神楽桃&うりん)


A second cover for 23.exe song this month, because I enjoy the songs a lot. A duet this time between Urin and Momo is unique and special in its own way. It gives us a cool singing voice contrasting against a beautiful and clear voice. Urin's 'Foo' in the middle of the song just energizes you. The chorus between the two singers makes me want to break out in a dance and just shake to the groove. Similar to Cho-dari, its a high tempo rap that relaxes you at the same time.

zerogram「ぜろぐらむ」/ covered by 星降いく


Iku's cover of MikitoP's new song came out at lightning speed. It shows how hard she works, and just how much she loves the song. Her clear and pretty voice suits the chill and spooky vibe of the song very well. Beyond just singing, she even did the art and video herself, which is very amazing. I love the way she brought this song to life from a vocaloid version to her own cover. It is indeed a very sad yet groovy song that helps me kick back and relax while listening to it.

風味絶佳 / YuNi


YuNi's new original song this month is very beautiful and sweet. The MV just adds to the image and makes it even stronger. Like many songs in my list this month, it's all about having a more relaxed and softer feeling. The piano mixed in the instrumental feels like little candy drops, giving this sweet and pop feeling.  

secret base〜君がくれたもの〜/ covered by 月白 累 

夏が「secret base」なしで完全だとは言えません。これは過去に多くの人々にカバーされてきた曲です。しかし、今年は月白 累さんの歌ってみたが特に気に入りました。ほんのりと囁くような独特の声は、曲の感情的なインパクトをさらに高めています。彼女が歌う方法には幻想的な感じが少しあり、歌ってみたとして非常に適しています。

No summer is complete without secret base being sung. It's a song that's been covered by a lot of people in the past. However, this year I really liked Lui's version of the song. Her unique voice that borderlines on a whisper further amplifies the emotional impact of the song. There's a bit of an ethereal feeling in the way she sings, which makes it perfectly suitable as a cover.

まなざし / HACHI


Both of HACHI's MV this month were amazing. However, Manazashi won out in my heart simply because it felt sadder to me, which is reflective of my current emotions. The other MV on the other hand was still soft and relaxing, but had a bit more hope and uplifting mood to it. Manazashi incorporated the emotional sound of the piano, with the relaxing rhythm of the drum while having the strength of the guitar. All combined with HACHI's singing voice, it became a beautiful song filled with power and emotion. 



Thank you for reading this month's writing again! I hope you enjoyed my impressions, and maybe even discovered some songs you didn't know about before. I hope everyone had a nice summer, let's see you again next month in fall.

