9月に好きだったVtuber MV// Vtuber Music Video I Liked in September




I started this 'note' article because I wanted to convey my passion and interests in Vtuber music. I am currently writing monthly, noting down any MV that I really liked. The order of the MVs do not mean anything, as it may just be in chronological order. I am not musically trained, so I won't be doing any technical review. The only criteria is that I liked the MV.

I don't know who might read these articles, but if I was even able to get one person to discover a new song or singer, I'd say it's a great day.

Note that I am a foreigner, so the articles will be written in English. I'll be using AI to translate to Japanese. As a way for me to also practice my Japanese, I'll type out the translations manually, and make any edits for things like names and context. I apologize if there's any errors or wrong usage of words in the end.

Thank you for reading!

REDEFINE  / 鷹森ツヅル


Takamori's return was worth the wait. Their MVs are always a too quality production.  The amount of talent displayed, from the composing and writing to the singing and animation, everything is a treat to the eyes and ears. The songs itself is also very fierce and motivating. The slow part in the middle adds to the emotional impact by adding contrast. The combination of Alpha and Beta adds another dimension to the song allowing them to alternate and harmonize, as they redefine the world.

ノスタルジー・ステップ / 水瀬 凪


Nagi's first original MV is as beautiful as she is. The lofi pop style song is able to highlight all her key points, with the blue theme fitting her image perfectly. While it has a cold and cool look and sound to it, it is still a strong song with a lot of energy just like Nagi. The lyrics fills me with motivation to not give up being true to myself. Don't forget your nostalgic dreams, and let life and society overwhelm you.

故夢 / 橙翼 covered by 森森鈴蘭 Linglan Lily& @homesoundmusic


Lily's cover of this Mandarin song sounds better than the original for me. The softness of her beautiful voice brings this song to a new level. With the traditional instrumental backing, which is one of my favorite styles from Lily, she conveys so much emotion in her cover. I get swept up in every syllable she sings and just focus on the song. By the end of the 5 minutes, I find myself breathlessly sitting in silence.

殺し屋危機一髪/ SOIL&"PIMP"SESSIONSと椎名林檎) covered by それ故


Soreyue's covers are always unique and amazing. Her style of song is true to herself, rather than following any trends. Her way of singing with her beautiful clear and light voice adds another layer of uniqueness to her covers. The beautiful art she commissions for me the MV also reflect her style, and is always a treat to look at too.

玩具の呪文 / メメントモリ(Song by ろん)


Memento Mori is a series that have some of my favorite songs recently. I'm very glad to be able to include them in my list because a Vsinger sang for their new character. LON's song for the game is a bit different from the other characters. In a world that is usually gloomy and dark, LON was able to sing in a more upbeat and fast pace mood. This was a great match for her voice which excelled at this clear style songs.

The Trampoline / ISA


ISA's MV are always super interesting. The amazing guitar and unique style combined to create a one of a kind style that you wouldn't find anywhere else. It's very amazing how ISA handles all the production, and creates a super catchy and interesting song. Writing in English is an amazing feat on its own, but to make it sound natural and in the style you want takes a whole other level of talent that you can only find in ISA. I really enjoy jamming to this song repeatedly in the background.

宇宙散歩 / DECO*27 covered by 繭糸


mayui's cover of this recent DECO*27 is very cool and special. I love the way she raps and sings with her voice. It's slightly whispery with a bit of raspiness, which sounds very cute when you combine it with her singing style and song choices. mayui has had multiple amazing MV in the past month, each of them are different and amazing in their own ways.

I Really Want To Stay At Your House / covered by NoiR / NoWorld (Cyberpunk Japanese Arrange)


A super popular song that people can't stop looping, NoiR is able to make it unique to herself with her own Japanese Arrange. This might be my favorite arrangement of the song. The emotion the song conveys is so strong, and it could easily bring me to tears between the vocals and unique instrumental. There's a sense of tranquillity and peace in the sadness, but also a bit of hope and strength in the way she sings the chorus. This arrangement stays true to the feeling of the original and the Cyberpunk anime, but you can also tell it's a NoiR arrangement.

ねむれわたがし / 一二三 feat.花奏かのん


Kanon's singing voice is always super special, and when combined with her iconic bass playing it creates an amazing song. The song itself is very interesting, as it talks about sleep but from the perspective of someone with anxiety. The fast pace aspect of it is like the beating of the heart that refuses to calm down when you try to sleep at night. These images fit very well with Kanon's style of singing with this  cute but raspy voice.

☀︎☽ Alice in 冷凍庫 / Orangestar covered by Lucia(Piano arrange cover)


A super beautiful cover by Lucia, with the Piano arrangement. The chill of her voice just pierces into my soul because of how beautiful is. Orangestar songs are usually super fast paced, so I always enjoy Piano Arrange cover that slows the tempo down slightly, giving it an entirely different feeling. The piano on its own is very beautiful, and combined with Lucia's voice it's even better than the sum of the parts. The super high notes show how talented Lucia is, by allowing them to be high without being uncomfortable to listen to.

おしゃかしゃま / RADWIMPS covered by うつつ


As always, Utsutsu provides me with a very cool cover that she says allows her to go back to her roots as a rock style singer. The faster paced song is almost like a rap, but it still has the heavy and cool instrumental that supports her voice to create a cool cover. The MV through various talented people is also very fitting for her overall image. 



Thank you for reading this month's writing again! I hope you enjoyed my impressions, and maybe even discovered some songs you didn't know about before. I hope everyone had a nice summer, let's see you again next month in fall.

