
What is light? 光とは何か

Electromagnetic radiation 電磁波

Light is a type of electromagnetic radiation. The visible light that humans can see is a small part of the electromagnetic radiation, and other types include radio waves, microwaves, infrared rays, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays. The types of electromagnetic waves are divided by frequency, which determines how they affect matter.

You may have heard that the sun emits radio waves, X-rays, gamma rays, etc. "in addition" to visible light, but actually they are all the same thing, and the visible light just appears special because our eyes react only to a certain range of frequency.

Please take a look at this page for the frequencies and colors of visible light.
Colors and Numbers 色と数値

Waves and Particles 波と粒子

Electromagnetic waves have properties as both particles and waves.
For example, electromagnetic waves are diffractive, meaning that they can go around behind obstacles just like waves on the surface of water. Thanks to diffraction we can watch TV or use cellular phones even when there is an obstacle between the antenna and the devices.

GLSL demo

Diffraction is strongest for low-frequency electromagnetic waves. Visible light also diffracts, but at least for the purposes of computer graphics, it is safe to assume that it travels in a straight line. (BTW there is no rule that CG must reproduce reality. You may be able to create fun graphics by thinking about a world where light doesn’t go straight, or it actually doesn’t go straight according to Einstein: Visualizing Interstellar's Wormhole)
回折現象は低周波数の電磁波に強くみられます。可視光線も回折しますが、少なくともコンピュータグラフィックスを行う上では、まっすぐに進むとみなして差し支えないでしょう(しかし、CGが現実を再現しなくてはならない決まりはありません。光が真っ直ぐに進まない世界を考えると楽しいグラフィクスが作れるかもしれません。アインシュタインの言う通り光は本当に曲がります: Visualizing Interstellar's Wormhole。)

Light as a particle can be imagined as a myriad of particles (photons) flying out from a light source. In a laser beam, all particles fly straight out in the same direction. Photons from many other light sources spread in all directions.

On the next page we will look at how light travels through air and other media.

Reflection and Refraction 反射と屈折

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このページはkyndinfo.notion.site からの転載です。元のページはこちら。
