
何を着るかで人生が変わる/What You Wear Changes Life


It depends on where you work, but I think many companies still have expectations for what female employees should wear in the workplace. For example, they expect female employees to wear makeup, stockings or jackets/suits at work.
I was working in such a conservative environment before, but the problem was I hated makeup, stockings and jackets/suits. I did not want to follow the expectations, and felt I was not blending in well.
But I did not want to lie to myself, and I avoided wearing what I did not like as much as possible. I did my best to wear what I felt comfortable, to wear something which is so me or reflected what I wanted to be. And, before I noticed, I was taking a new job and moved to a place which is free from such expectations.
Now I am working with colleagues from all over the world and we are very different in our skin color, shapes and etc. Everyone wears what she/he/they likes to wear freely. A male colleague was once wearing a skirt, but no one cared because that was so him. No one tells me to wear stockings or jacket anymore, which is really freeing.
Looking back, being honest to my feelings and wear something I love gave me a power to be who I want to be or to go where I want to go. Choosing what you wear is a process of visualizing who you want to be and selecting which brands/people you want to vote to (I think we are doing this consciously or unconsciously). The results of your small choices become a foundation of your style, and I think that will also lead to a bigger thing such as how you live. I think fashion and style have such power, and we should not underestimate the power of fashion.
