



つまり、私はアクティビストとしての信条のために、自分を貫こうとしてる訳なんだけれども、英語だと、i have my own justiceっていう言い方になるんである。もちろん、正義と信条や信念は関連するタームだろうから、ばっちりと信条=justiceではないと思いますが、しかし、正義という日本語だと、何かしっくりこないので、変だ変だと思っていたんである。




チャットGPTに確認してみようと思って、i have my own justiceとi have my own beliefの違いはなんですかと英語で聞いてみたのが以下である。段々、彼の使い方、分かってきたわ。単語の意味の違いを英語で聞いても、ワークしないと思う。確認してないけど。

以下の説明から考えても、Trans Justiceと私が言うなら、それは、「私がトランスとしてトランスをどのようなものであると信じているか」になるわけ、ですよ。そうすると、そういうことを一言で言うなら、「信条」でない?

The phrases "I have my own justice" and "I have my own belief" convey different concepts:

### I Have My Own Justice
- **Meaning**: This phrase suggests that the speaker has a personal sense of what is right and wrong, possibly differing from conventional or societal norms. It implies a subjective understanding or application of justice.
- **Example**: "I have my own justice, so I don't always agree with the laws or rules imposed by others."

### I Have My Own Belief
- **Meaning**: This phrase indicates that the speaker holds personal convictions, values, or opinions about various matters, which may encompass a wide range of topics beyond just justice.
- **Example**: "I have my own belief about what it means to live a good life, which includes being kind to others and staying true to my values."

### Key Differences

1. **Scope**:
  - **Justice**: Focuses specifically on concepts of fairness, right and wrong, and moral judgments.
  - **Belief**: Broader term that can include opinions, values, religious views, and other personal convictions.

2. **Context**:
  - **Justice**: Often used in contexts related to ethics, morality, law, and social issues.
  - **Belief**: Can be used in any context, including personal preferences, religion, philosophy, and lifestyle choices.

3. **Implication**:
  - **Justice**: Suggests a framework for judging actions and behavior.
  - **Belief**: Indicates a personal conviction or viewpoint that may influence various aspects of life, not limited to moral judgments.

### Example Sentences
- **Justice**: "He believes in strict punishment for wrongdoers because he has his own sense of justice."
- **Belief**: "She follows a vegan diet because she has her own belief about animal rights and sustainability."

In summary, "I have my own justice" is about a personal sense of fairness and moral rightness, while "I have my own belief" refers to a broader range of personal convictions and values.
