


試験官から”Do you know what are the common causes of health troubles during a commercial fight?”と訊ねられました。

Capt.GPTは一考してこう答えました。”I guess the commonest reasons for the medical emergency during the commercial flight will include heart attack, diabetes and seizures such as epilepsy, as well as injuries incuding bruise due to turbulence. In case of a long haul international flight, food poisoning, dehydration and so called “economy class syndorome” would be even noted .

そして試験官が”if the flight crew deveoped illness and got incapaciated, what is the best procedure to conduct a safe landing?と質問しました。

Capt.GPTは筋道立てて説明を試みます。”First, consider the medical emergency in terms of the current location and destination of the flight. Depending on the medical and aeronautical situations, the flight may need to be diverted to a nearby airport with medical facilities. The flight should be canceled or replaced by other crew there.

Second, if the medical emergency involveds the cabin crew, the other crew members should take the appropriate steps to ensure the safety of the passengers…


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