

試験官はChatGPT航空のルーキーCapt.GPTに尋ねました。"Can you explain the situations depicted on this card?"

Capt.GPTは一呼吸おいて、"While descending in the cloud to the flinal approach course pilots see a lightning horizontally hits the radome.”と答えました。

すると試験官から"What is the potencial hazard to the aircraft? How should the pilots react the situation for the flight safety?"と尋ねられました。

Capt.GPTは"The potential hazard to the aircraft is that the lightning strike could cause damage to the aircraft's electrical systems, such as the avionics or navigation system. The lightning could also cause structural damage to the aircraft, such as burning the radome or causing dents and holes to form on the surface of the aircraft where it has exited.”と述べました。

直ちに取るべき対応として、Capt.GPTは"The pilots should immediately take the aircraft out of the cloud and away from the lightning. They should then proceed to the final approach course and land the aircraft as soon as possible. The pilots should also ensure that the aircraft is properly inspected for any damage after landing."と答えました。


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