
過ごす環境の大切さ         The importance of the environment you spend

今まで悩みがある場合、ほとんどの事は相談せずにいたが、どうもこの数年間で脳の働きが悪くなってるように思う。              Until now, if I had a problem, I didn't talk about most things, but I think my brain has been getting worse in the last few years.

いつからなのか人と接する際に感じていた事だが、会話している時、途中から話す言葉が消失していき表情・声のトーン・並べる言葉尻やセリフ・仕草・態度・反応・動作などが一気に別の角度から入ってくるようになってきてた。                                I felt when I was in contact with people, but when I was talking, the words I spoke disappeared from the middle, and the facial expressions, voice tones, words to be lined up, lines, gestures, attitudes, reactions, movements, etc. were all separated at once. It came to come in from the angle of.

So I couldn't get the feelings of the other person, but I was able to understand most of them. And, as always, questions are asked to those who do not understand unless they listen to the other person's words and those who want to say a certain language. I was aware of more information than that person's story, so it was very rude to the other person, but I often listened back, and I made vague replies that made the other person uncomfortable. There were many.

以前と違う反応とか、誰かが言いそうな言葉、誰かに操作されているような話し振り等、直ぐに受け取ってしまう。今までこの事は誰にも話さなかったが、すごい情報が一気に入ってくるので頭が毎回パンクしそうになっている。だから複数の人達との会話で自分の発言もしなければいけない時になると、色んな人達の動作や態度や言葉が入ってくるので脳が疲弊してしまう。 I will receive it immediately, such as talking. I haven't told anyone about this until now, but I'm sick of it every time because I like the great information. Therefore, when it is time to make a statement in a conversation with multiple people, the movements, attitudes, and words of various people come in, and the brain becomes exhausted. 

So one person, one-on-one, quiet conversation and environment may be the most calming. Because you can relax and enjoy conversation and space at your own pace.

以前は皆で賑やかにする事も好きだったけど、歳のせいか1人で過ごす事が楽になってきているのは確かで、ここ数年に於いては帰宅した時にグッタリしている事が多くなってきている。                    I used to like to be lively with everyone, but I'm sure it's getting easier to spend alone because of my age, and in the last few years I've been feeling good when I got home. It is increasing.

I am interested in other people, but when the circle expands, I can not process the information, so I understood that it is possible to reduce the burden on the brain by treating people so as not to be interested in others.

だからなのか動物や純粋な人や素直な人や子供と接すると、凄く安心感に包まれるので、そのままの気持ちを受け取り優しい世界で癒される。  That's why when you come in contact with animals, pure people, honest people, and children, you feel a sense of security, so you can feel the same and be healed in a gentle world.

生きたい世界で生きれるようになるには、自分が行きたい世界に近づける様な気がする。                            To be able to live in the world I want to live in, I feel like I'm getting closer to the world I want to go to.

I wonder if it can stabilize the mind and obtain the ideal environment.

最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございます           Thank you for reading to the end

感謝します                         appreciate
