

*本文に入る前に、少しCEFR(2001)そのものについてコメントを言うと…。この本、簡単に言うと、21世紀の言語教育者として知っておかなければならないことを全部書いてありますね。分厚い! これって、この分野の専門家じゃない人には、全部読めない、そして読んで解釈して批評することができない。その一方で、巨大な権威を帯びて「拡がって」いる。この2つの結果として、この本は、強迫的で、高圧的になっている。つまり、「21世紀の時代に言語教育に従事するのなら、これを読んでいるのが前提だよ!」みたいになっている

  CEFRの第4章は、「4. Language use and the language user/learner」となっています。その章は以下のような節立てになっています。

4.1 The context of language use
4.2 Communication themes
4.3 Communicative tasks and purposes
4.4 Communicative language activities and strategies

 「4.2 Communication themes」の冒頭に「Within the various domains we may distinguish themes, the topics which are the subjects of discourse, conversation, reflection or composition,…」とあるように、この部分が話題あるいはテーマについて論じられている部分です。


4.2 Communication themes
Within the various domains we may distinguish themes, the topics which are the subjects of discourse, conversation, reflection or composition, as the focus of attention in particular communicative acts. Thematic categories can be classified in many different ways. One influential classification, into themes, sub-themes and ‘specific notions’ is that presented in Threshold Level 1990, Chapter 7:

 上で言ったように、themeとtopicをほぼ同じ意味で使っています。この記事では、以降では、テーマと言ってしまいます。そして、これ以降、「Threshold Level 1990」から、(1)テーマ、(2)サブテーマ、(3)サブテーマ下での具体的な概念(specific notions、端的に言うと語彙群)、の話を展開しています。
*Threshoold Level 1990は、ここ。https://www.ealta.eu.org/documents/resources/Threshold-Level_CUP.pdf

3.Threshold Level 1990から
(1) テーマ

1. personal identification
2. house and home, environment
3. daily life
4. free time, entertainment
5. travel
6. relations with other people
7. health and body care
8. education
9. shopping
10. food and drink
11. services
12. places
13. language
14. weather

In each of these thematic areas, subcategories are established.

(2) サブテーマ
 サブテーマ(subthemesあるいはsubcategories)の例として、4番の‘free time, entertainment’が採り上げられて、以下の4.1から4.8が挙げられています。

For example, area 4, ‘free time and entertainment’, is subcategorised in the following way:
4.1 leisure
4.2 hobbies and interests
4.3 radio and TV
4.4 cinema, theatre, concert, etc.
4.5 exhibitions, museums, etc.
4.6 intellectual and artistic pursuits
4.7 sports
4.8 press

 Threshold Level 1990を見てみると、上の14のテーマの下に、80のサブテーマが挙げられていました。

(3) 具体的な概念(specific notions)

For each sub-theme, ‘specific notions’ are identified. In this respect, the categories represented in Table 5, covering the locations, institutions etc. to be treated, are particularly relevant. For instance, under 4.7. ‘sports’, Threshold Level 1990 specifies:
1. locations: field, ground, stadium
2. institutions and organisations: sport, team, club
3. persons: player
4. objects: cards, ball
5. events: race, game
6. actions: to watch, to play (+name of sport), to race, to win, to lose, to draw

(4) 能書き
 この後に、以下のような能書きが来ます。ここは、あまり重要ではありませんが、一応紹介しておきます。最初の文に「これは確定的なものではない」とあります。もちろん、そうでしょう。 以降は、読まなくていいと思います。

Clearly, this particular selection and organisation of themes, sub-themes and specific notions is not definitive. It results from the authors’ decisions in the light of their assessment of the communicative needs of the learners concerned. It will be seen that the above themes relate mostly to the personal and public domains, as is appropriate to temporary visitors who are unlikely to enter into the vocational and educational life of the country. Some (e.g. area 4) are partly in the personal and partly in the public domain. Users of the Framework, including where possible the actual learners concerned, will of course make their own decisions based on their assessment of learner needs, motivations, characteristics and resources in the relevant domain or domains with which they are concerned. For example, vocationally-oriented language learning (VOLL) may develop themes in the occupational area relevant to the students concerned. Students in upper secondary education may explore scientific, technological, economic, etc. themes in some depth. The use of a foreign language as medium of instruction will necessarily entail a close concern with the thematic content of the subject area taught.

(5) 最後の指示

Users of the Framework may wish to consider and where appropriate state:  
• which themes learners will need/be equipped/be required to handle in the selected domains;
• which sub-themes they will handle with respect to each theme;
• which specific notions relating to locations, institutions/organisations, persons, objects, events and operations they will need/be equipped/be required to handle in order to deal with each (sub)theme.

