
【英訳】LAST LOVE LETTER by 野田洋次郎 (Yojiro Noda) English Lyrics

まだ知ることのない君に唄う歌があるよ I have a song to sing to you, whom I have yet to know
今から先回りしてここに書き連ねるよ I'll get a head start and write it here

いつか出逢う君に今歌うから 顔も知らない君に歌うただ I'm singing to you, whom I'll meet one day. I'm just singing to you, even though I don't know what you look like
「馬鹿みたい」って言うなよ テンパって間違えてしまうだろ Don't say "you look stupid." I'll freak out and mess up

いつか逢えるかな 胸の中スッポリ抱きしめられるかな Will we meet one day? Will I be able to embrace your heart fully? 
いつか逢えるなら今じゃだめ?もう待っていられそうにないんだ If we can meet one day, can't we meet now? I don't think I can wait any longer

君とはじめてどこで会うのかも知らないけどどうもありがとう I don't even know where we'll first meet, but thank you very much
こんな俺を選んでくれて一緒にさぁ並んで歩いていこうよ for choosing a guy like me. Let's line up and walk together
酸いも甘いも嫌いも愛も嫌になるほど繰り返し Sweet and sour, love and hate - repeat it so often that I start to get sick of it
離れるだとかなんだとかとは永遠に違う世界にいこうや You say something about leaving or whatever. Let's go to another world for an eternity

どうしようもない Nothing can be done about it 
俺もさきっと見るだろう 目も当てられない姿をきっと知るだろう I'll probably see it too and know how it's too horrible to look at
分かり合えやしないこともさきっとあるだろう それでも今ここに誓うよ There are probably things we won't be able to understand each other on, but still, I'll give you my word

逆転ホームラン打つから何万点ビハインドあれど I'll hit a homerun and turn the tables, so even though I may be tens of thousands of points behind, 
どんでん返し弾打つから諦めずにいておくれ I'll hit one that completely reverses everything, so don't give up on me

いつか出逢う君に今歌うから 顔も知らない君に歌うただ I'm singing to you, whom I'll meet one day. I'm just singing to you, even though I don't know what you look like
「馬鹿みたい」って言うなよ テンパって間違えてしまうだろ Don't say "you look stupid." I'll freak out and mess up

いつか逢えるかな 胸の中スッポリ抱きしめられるかな Will we meet one day? Will I be able to embrace your heart fully? 
いつか逢えるなら今じゃだめ?もう待っていられそうにないんだ If we can meet one day, can't we meet now? I don't think I can wait any longer

俺はやる時はる I do all right when I try
たまに度が過ぎてしまう I sometimes go too far
のめりこんで沼にハマってのたうちまわってる Deep into my heart and soul, I'm wriggling around in this marsh I'm trapped in

たまに君を置き去りにしてしまったりしてしまう時もあるだろうが絶対最後に I'm sure there will be times where I accidentally leave you behind, but at the end of the day,

帰る場所は君だ 君の家は僕だ You are the place I return to. I am your home. 
いつか出逢えたなら君が終の住処 If we could meet someday, you would be my final home

人生最高再更新何度だってし続け Over and over, I repeat life is great
人生最後目を閉じ I close my eyes at the end of my life
この歌を聴いて笑おう Let's listen to this song and laugh

いつか出逢う君に今歌うから 顔も知らない君に歌うただ I'm singing to you, whom I'll meet one day. I'm just singing to you, even though I don't know what you look like
「馬鹿みたい」って言うなよ テンパって間違えてしまうだろ Don't say "you look stupid." I'll freak out and mess up

いつか出逢う君に今歌うから 顔も知らない君に歌うただ I'm singing to you, whom I'll meet one day. I'm just singing to you, even though I don't know what you look like
「馬鹿みたい」って言うその声に逢うためやってきたんだよ I came here to meet the voice that says, "You look stupid." 

いつか逢えるかな 胸の中スッポリ抱きしめられるかな Will we meet one day? Will I be able to embrace your heart fully? 
いつか逢えるなら今じゃだめ?もう待っていられそうにないんだ If we can meet one day, can't we meet now? I don't think I can wait any longer
