
ドイツの金融都市、フランクフルトが誇る最高峰のタトゥーの祭典 -GODS OF INK 2024-

「ドイツ、フランクフルトのGODS OF INKは絶対に見た方がいい」

2023年から海外のタトゥーコンベンションを撮影する機会を増やしてフランスはリヨンのTHE INK FACTORY、香港のHONG KONG CHINA INTERNATIONAL TATTOO EXPO、2024年は3月にベトナムのSAIGON TATTOO EXPOへ向かいました。そして日本のKING OF TATTOOを終えたとき、まだ頭の中でぼんやりしていたドイツのGODS OF INKの存在が目の前で具体的になっていました。

I heard the phrase many times in Japan, "You should definitely see GODS OF INK in Frankfurt, Germany." That opportunity came sooner than I expected.

From 2023, I increased my opportunities to photograph overseas tattoo conventions, going to THE INK FACTORY in Lyon, France, HONG KONG CHINA INTERNATIONAL TATTOO EXPO in Hong Kong, and in March 2024, I headed to SAIGON TATTOO EXPO in Vietnam. When I finished KING OF TATTOO in Japan, the existence of GODS OF INK in Germany, which was still vague in my head, became concrete before my eyes.

フランクフルトへ -To Frankfurt-



The event will be held for three days from April 19th to 21st, so I booked my flight and hotel well in advance with plans to stay in Frankfurt from the 17th to the 23rd. The Lufthansa plane took off from Haneda Airport and landed at Frankfurt International Airport after a 13-hour flight, bypassing the northern part of Russia and crossing the North Pole. The Brazilian woman sitting next to me was planning to change flight in Germany and then return to Brazil.

Travel by train from the airport to the city. The view from the train window, which is still bright even at night, seems to keep sleep away from my tired body due to the jet lag. I was confused by the stations without ticket gates and the toilets that had to be paid, but I was able to pay for them all with the touch function of my credit card. In Germany, stores close at 8 p.m. according to the closing law, so I took a rest at a hotel on the first day.

ルフト(空)+ ハンザ(ハンザ同盟)= ルフトハンザ
PASS(通る)+ PORT(港)= パスポート


ヨーロッパでは町の中の看板や広告の少なさが、相対的に美的なものを浮き上がらせる印象を受けます。美しいこの町の景色や歴史はどのようにタトゥーと結びつくのでしょう。明日から始まるGODS OF INKへの期待と共鳴するように円安の影響を受けて2,000円に高騰したうどんを食べ、スーパーで買ったビールとウイスキーコークとワインを飲んで眠りました。

The next day I took a walk around town. I have always been interested in the Rothschild family and wanted to visit Frankfurt, where they were born. The financial capital, overlooked by the 200-meter main tower, is surrounded by vast plains. Feeling the still slightly cold wind, clear air, and warm sun, I toured the church, Goethe's house, the market, and the Main River.

In Europe, I get the impression that the lack of billboards and advertisements in towns makes them relatively more aesthetically pleasing. How do the scenery and history of this beautiful town connect with tattoos? I ate udon noodles whose price had soared to 2,000 yen due to the depreciation of the yen, which resonated with my expectations for GODS OF INK, which starts tomorrow, and I went to sleep after drinking beer, whiskey coke, and wine that I bought at the supermarket.

大量のH2O a.k.a マイン川

ドイツの中の日本 -Japan in Germany-

そしていよいよGODS OF INKの初日が訪れました。同じホテルに宿泊していたタトゥーアーティストのゆう悟さん、そのお客さんのフランス人のジュリアンとともに会場のMESSE FORUMへ向かいました。

これまで見てきたタトゥーコンベンションとは違い、GODS OF INKではタトゥーアーティストがブースを構える空間が2つのフロアに分かれています。上のフロアにはイベントやコンテストが行われるステージがあり、下のフロアからはサンドイッチやコーヒーを売る屋台の並ぶ広い中庭に出ることができます。いずれも大きな窓に面しているため自然光の差し込むとても明るい雰囲気です。他にも絵や写真を展示するスペース、手彫りのアーティストのための部屋、そして上下のフロアの間の中間的な階にもタトゥーブースがあり、来場者はエスカレーターで会場を移動します。水平とともに垂直に動きながら会場を巡る視界が新鮮でした。

And finally, the first day of GODS OF INK has arrived. I headed to the venue, MESSE FORUM, with Yuugo, a tattoo artist who was staying at the same hotel, and his French customer, Julien.

Unlike the tattoo conventions I've seen so far, GODS OF INK's space where tattoo artists set up their booths is divided into two floors. The upper floor has a stage where events and contests are held, while the lower floor opens out to a large courtyard with stalls selling sandwiches and coffee. All rooms face large windows, giving a very bright atmosphere with plenty of natural light. There is also a space for exhibiting paintings and photographs, a room for hand-carving artists, and a tattoo booth on the intermediate floor between the upper and lower floors, where visitors can move around the venue via escalators. The view of the venue moving both horizontally and vertically was refreshing.


International tattoo conventions bring together hundreds of tattoo artists from all over the world to create tattoos. If there is an artist you are interested in, you can make a reservation in advance or have them engrave you on the spot using the "walk-in" method. Once you understand the general classification of booths based on style, such as black tattoos, colorful tattoos, and realistic tattoos, you'll be able to enjoy the convention as if you were touring a museum. And the existence of the category "Japanese tattoos'' within this gives me courage as a Japanese person who has come to a foreign land. This is a feeling that you cannot get in Japan. I fell in love with this country, along with the atmosphere of the German people, who have similar personalities to Japanese people.


Many tattoo conventions are held for three days. The first day is when I take the most photos, which I have learned in my own way. As time passes on the second and third days, my eyes will get used to it and you will take fewer photos. So the next step is to think, "What if we could convey this situation in words?" What was not fully grasped or put into words on the first day will be put into words on the third day. This is a useful method for writing articles using photos and words.

消費社会へと向けられた1本の針 -A needle pointing towards a consumer society-


At any convention, I'm blown away by the energy that emanates from the venue. Just as it is impossible to record every moment that happens in the forest, it is also difficult to photograph all the works and processes that are created at the venue, but everything is created from a single needle. I feel romantic in that fact.


「生産」の対義語が「消費」であるならば、現代人は娯楽を楽しんでいるように見えて実際は生産されたサービスを消費しているだけじゃないか、というのが日本で生活してきた私の実感です。GODS OF INKで強く感じたのは「楽しむことを強制されない自由」であり、それは自分が関心を持つものが人と違っていたとしても一歩踏み込みさえすれば多くのことを得られるという可能性でもあります。

「ここで何を見て、何を感じて、どのように生かしていくのかはあなた次第」というメッセージを静かに発しているGODS OF INK。想像していたよりもはるかに成熟した大人のタトゥーコンベンションでした。

After three days of filming, the most impressive thing was the contest, which was held in silence with no background music, and the calm, calm manner of the host. By removing decorations, you can see what is truly important. It was the same feeling I had when walking through Frankfurt for the first time.

Having lived in Japan, I believe that if the antonym of "production" is "consumption," modern people may appear to be enjoying entertainment, but in reality they are simply consuming the services that are produced. It's a real feeling. What I felt strongly about GODS OF INK was the "freedom of not being forced to have fun," and the possibility that even if what you're interested in is different from other people, you can gain a lot as long as you take a step forward. there is.

GODS OF INK quietly sends out the message, "What you see here, what you feel, and how you apply it to your life is up to you." It was a much more mature adult tattoo convention than I had imagined.



As I continued to photograph tattoos, my relationships with people gradually expanded, and I had more opportunities to be approached at venues around the country. It's common for me to meet someone I met in Vietnam last month, in Germany this month, and then in another country next month. When the fusion of each of these events feels like a miracle, I feel glad that I am working in photography. If I hadn't discovered photography and tattooing, my world would not have expanded this much.

See you again in the next country.

Please watch the contest on YouTube.

写真・映像・文 藤崎健太郎
Photo, Videos and Text Kentaro Fujisaki
