from glitch writing to posthuman porno http…


AD VAT "Black Pantages" (excerpt)

1 My dream last night consisted of picking up one of my many hard plastic dolls, a stitched fabric doll, and my stuffed animals, and holding them up to my ear.…


Augenblick by r.g. vasicek vs. kenji siratori (excerpt)

The birds are trying to tell me something. What? I do not know. All I am saying is: Listen. I can see their shadows on the curtains. Flying somewhere at ridicul…


new books

AD VAT "Black Pantages"Derek Fisher "Night Life"Kenji Siratori "Manifesto of the Futurist Demonology"


Derek Fisher's work, encapsulating a nightmarish and dystopian vision of a city in crisis. It touches on several significant themes, including environmental deg…

Paracelsus' Trouble With Sundays

The world of contemporary poetry is vast and varied, embracing an array of styles, forms, and voices. Among the diverse range of poets, Jeffrey Grunthaner stand…

"Cronotopía Desatada" de Kenji Siratori

Descripción: En "Cronotopía Desatada," Kenji Siratori presenta una obra literaria que desafía las convenciones tradicionales y explora los límites de la li…

作家ジェフ・ヴァンダミア、ジェフ・ヌーンなどが参加。カルフォルニアに拠点を置くサウンド・レーベルTime Released SoundがOff…

これほど法外かつ無秩序な本に、最もありきたりな推薦文が添えられるのは当然のことだ。 冗長、ばかばかしさ、駄洒落のない平易な言葉で基本的な事実を伝える、素晴らしく…


from The Literature of Exclusion by Andrew C. Wenaus








ハイパーアノテーション: アルビン・タン

1.====================================== 2.=================================== 3.====================================== パケット U 615 2月24日はタギシュ湖流…


ハイパーアノテーション小説(CD+Book) 9月リリース


hyper-annotation: Julio Aliseda


Time Released Soundから9月に発売になります

AD VAT "Black Pantages" (excerpt)

1 My dream last night consisted of picking up one of my many hard plastic dolls, a stitched fabric doll, and my stuffed animals, and holding them up to my ear. When I did this, I heard an aggressive whisper tone, a made-up language, and I

Augenblick by r.g. vasicek vs. kenji siratori (excerpt)

The birds are trying to tell me something. What? I do not know. All I am saying is: Listen. I can see their shadows on the curtains. Flying somewhere at ridiculous speeds. The sun is too bright. 8:36 am. Saturday. I should get up. I want to

new books

AD VAT "Black Pantages"Derek Fisher "Night Life"Kenji Siratori "Manifesto of the Futurist Demonology"


Derek Fisher's work, encapsulating a nightmarish and dystopian vision of a city in crisis. It touches on several significant themes, including environmental degradation, the pursuit of pleasure amidst chaos, loss of identity, government con

Paracelsus' Trouble With Sundays

The world of contemporary poetry is vast and varied, embracing an array of styles, forms, and voices. Among the diverse range of poets, Jeffrey Grunthaner stands out as an artist who challenges traditional boundaries, infusing his work with

"Cronotopía Desatada" de Kenji Siratori

Descripción: En "Cronotopía Desatada," Kenji Siratori presenta una obra literaria que desafía las convenciones tradicionales y explora los límites de la literatura en la era digital. Este libro marca un hito significativo, ya que es el pri

作家ジェフ・ヴァンダミア、ジェフ・ヌーンなどが参加。カルフォルニアに拠点を置くサウンド・レーベルTime Released SoundがOfficial Report On The Intransitionalist Chronotopologies Of Kenji Siratori: Appendix 8.2.3 (TRS109)をリリース。

これほど法外かつ無秩序な本に、最もありきたりな推薦文が添えられるのは当然のことだ。 冗長、ばかばかしさ、駄洒落のない平易な言葉で基本的な事実を伝える、素晴らしく率直なもの。 たとえば、Official Report On The Intransitionalist Chronotopologies Of Kenji Siratori: Appendix 8.2.3 では、情報とノイズの区別について再交渉しています。 トポロジー分析と変換を通じて参照の問題を劇的に表現します。

https://syntheticzero.net/2016/06/05/paradox-of-the-radical-alien-w-david-roden/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David-Roden/publication/303339127_Dark_Posthumanism/data/573d8ad108ae9f741b2fb90d/Dark-Posthumanism.pptx%3Forigin%3Dpublication_list&ved=2ahUKEwiy6pzrrNOAAxUPamwGHQYSCJsQFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw39m8ICwoOWy6bnky_i3ppb


from The Literature of Exclusion by Andrew C. Wenaus



ハイパーアノテーション: アルビン・タン

1.====================================== 2.=================================== 3.====================================== パケット U 615 2月24日はタギシュ湖流星でしたが、自然の境界条件は基本的に朝の光の火が影響を受けて死につつあります、オムニクロンの鳥の変種、私の傷ついた月の広い目のシマウマが真ん中にあり、都市の投影のように65_8890Fd


ハイパーアノテーション小説(CD+Book) 9月リリース

hyper-annotation: Julio Aliseda

Time Released Soundから9月に発売になります