


I used to think of buying a bicycle because it is not only convenient, but also I don't need to pay gasoline.Today, I got a bicycle from my share house owner.It seems that it belonged previous share-mate's.Since he left his bicycle, I could use it.Riding a bicycle in the country was great.The landscape was good and the breeze was so cool.Because today was Saturday, I didn't do, but if I can use bicycle, I can hand in my CV to farm.
The weather forcast says it will be good weather next week, so I will try it.

Last night I cooked pasta.
It was my first time, but it was not so bad.
I was so happy because owner told me it was good.
Owner usually doesn't cook, but he also made icecream and he served me.
Even though I haven't found a job, I think I'm making a good relationship with my owner.
