1.Summary—The CIA Tibetan Activity consists of political action, propaganda, and paramilitary activity. The purpose of the program at this stage is to keep the political concept of an autonomous Tibet alive within Tibet and among foreign nations, principally India, and to build a capability for resistance against possible political developments inside Communist China.
2.Problem—To explain Agency expenditures in support of the Tibetan program.
3.Background and Objectives—At a 13 December 1963 meeting “The Special Group approved the continuation of CIA controlled Tibetan Operations [1 line of source text not declassified].” Previous operations had gone to support isolated Tibetan resistance groups within Tibet and to the creation of a paramilitary force on the Nepal/Tibet border of approximately 2,000 men, 800 of whom were armed by [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] airdrop in January 1961.
3.背景と目的―1963年12月13日の会議で、"特別グループは、CIA が管理するチベット作戦の継続を承認した[機密解除されていない原文の1行あり]。それまでの作戦は、チベット国内の孤立したチベットの抵抗勢力を支援し、ネパールとチベットの国境に約2,000人の準軍事部隊を創設し、そのうち800人が1961年1月の空爆で武装した[機密解除されていない原文の1行あり]。
In 1963, as a result of the [2 lines of source text not declassified] and as a result of the cited Special Group meeting, the Agency began a more broadly based political program with the exiled Tibetans.
This included bringing 133 Tibetans to the United States for training in political, propaganda and paramilitary techniques; continuing the support subsidy to the Dalai Lama’s entourage at Dharmsala, India; continuing support to the Nepal based Tibetan guerrillas; the reassignment of a part of the unarmed guerrillas to India for further training; and the [6 lines of source text not declassified].
Operational plans call for the establishment of approximately 20 singleton resident agents in Tibet [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] two road watch teams in Tibet to report possible Chinese Communist build-ups, and six border watch communications teams [1 line of source text not declassified].
作戦計画では、チベットに約 20 人の単身駐在員[機密解除されていない原文の1行あり]、中国共産主義者の進出の可能性を報告するためのチベットの2つの道路監視チーム、および6つの国境監視通信チーム[機密解除されていない原文の1行あり]を設置することを要求している。
The [Page 732][less than 1 line of source text not declassified] will stay in direct touch with Dharmsala and will conduct political correspondence with Tibetan refugee groups [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] to create an increased Tibetan national political consciousness among these refugees. The [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] was established in October 1963, and the communications center serving it, [1 line of source text not declassified] is presently being built with a completion date scheduled in February 1964.
[Page 732] [機密解除されていない原文の1行あり]ダラムサラと直接連絡を取り合い、チベット難民グループ[機密解除されていない原文の1行あり]との政治的な通信を行い、これらの難民の間にチベット民族の政治的意識を高めることを目的としている。この通信センターは1963年10月に設立され、現在、1964年2月に完成予定の通信センター[機密解除されていない原文の1行あり]を建設中である。
One of the most serious problems facing the Tibetans is a lack of trained officials equipped with linguistic and administrative abilities. The Agency is undertaking the education of some 20 selected Tibetan junior officers to meet this need. A United States advisory committee composed of prominent United States citizens has been established to sponsor the education of these Tibetans. Cornell University has tentatively agreed to provide facilities for their education.
The Agency is supporting the establishment of Tibet Houses in [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] Geneva, and New York City. The Tibet Houses are intended to serve as unofficial representation for the Dalai Lama to maintain the concept of a separate Tibetan political identity. The Tibet House in New York City will work closely with Tibetan supporters in the United Nations, particularly the Malayan, Irish, and Thai delegations.
エージェンシーは、ジュネーブとニューヨークに[機密解除されていない原文の1行あり]Tibet Houseの設立サポートをしている。Tibet Houseはダライ・ラマの非公式な代表としての役割を果たすことを目的としており、ダライ・ラマはチベットの政治的アイデンティティーの概念を維持する。ニューヨークのTibet Houseは、国連のチベット支援者、特にマレー、アイルランド、タイの代表団と近密に連携する。
The cost of the Tibetan Program for FY 1964 can be summarized in approximate figures as follows:
a. Support of 2100 Tibetan guerrillas based in Nepal—$ 500,000
b. Subsidy to the Dalai Lama—$ 180,000
c. [1 line of source text not declassified] (equipment, transportation, installation, and operator training costs)—$ 225,000
d. Expenses of covert training site in Colorado—$ 400,000
e. Tibet Houses in New York, Geneva, and [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] ( 1/2 year )—$ 75,000
ニューヨーク、ジュネーブ、そして[機密解除されていない原文の1行あり]にあるTibet Houseの半年経費―75,000ドル
f. Black air transportation of Tibetan trainees from Colorado to India—$ 185,000
g. Miscellaneous (operating expenses of [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] equipment and supplies to reconnaissance teams, caching program, air resupply—not overflights, preparation stages for agent network in Tibet, agent salaries, etc.)—$ 125,000
h. Educational program for 20 selected junior Tibetan officers— $ 45,000
Total—$ 1,735,000(合計1,735,000ドル)
4. Coordination—This Tibetan operational program has been coordinated with the Department of State for a number of years. Specific operational activity has been coordinated with the Department of Defense and the [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] as necessary.
5. Recommendations—Barring sudden developments inside Communist China and Tibet, expenses for this long-range, politically-oriented [Page 733] Tibet program are not expected to exceed this amount in the foreseeable future. In fact, there are a number of probable economics, [1–1/2 lines of source text not declassified] for example. Nonetheless, this program will continue to require fairly large expenditures over a long period of time to keep the possibility of a non-Communist government alive to the Tibetan people. We recommend continuance of this program.
5.提言―共産主義中国とチベット内部の突発的な進展を除いて、この長期的で政治的に志向された活動のための費用は、 [733ページ]チベット計画は、当面この金額を超えることはないと予想される。実際には、いくつかの可能性のある経済学、例えば[機密解除されていない原文あり]がある。それにもかかわらず、このプログラムは、非共産主義政府の可能性をチベットの人々に存続させるために、長期間にわたってかなり多額の支出を必要とし続けるだろう。我々は、このプログラムの継続を推奨する。