
Advanced Japanese class Day180

22nd July I had my extra Japanese class with advanced-level students for the first time. Given today's class was the first time, I slowly started while confirming each student's level well. You know what, how I felt pressured to teach a

    • Wellington Point Day179

      21th July Today, Tommy brought me to Wellington Point with his daughter. I had no clue where it was. Around an hour from the city, we got to the shopping area where many Asian restaurants are. I was fascinated with that environment I ca

      • Miracle fruits Day178

        20th July When I was watching ABC News as a diary routine before dinner, the news of miracle fruits made me reminisce about when I was a child. It was not until I heard that fruit's name that I recalled it as I had eaten it. Miracle fr

        • Happy Friday Day177

          19th July Happy Friday!!! I felt so freezing upon waking up and hesitated to get out of the warm duvet. Today was just like any other day, with nothing particularly special happening. However, I had a great time with my students and cowor

        Advanced Japanese class Day180

          Defense Day176

          18th July After school, I restarted to train with Tommy. We did shadowboxing for three rounds. However, I discovered that I can't even do shadowboxing enough. In terms of all techniques including punch, defence, step work… I lacked th

          Defense Day176

          Exchange culture Day175

          17th July Today, during activity class, I had plenty of time to talk with an international student who came from France. I have known his presence, but I have never spoken to him. I was nervous to speak to him, and he likewise. However

          Exchange culture Day175

          Make every single day count Day174

          16th July "Make every single day count"… This quote in my calendar made me think about how every day is priceless in Australia. When I started booking my flight ticket back to Japan, this quote touched my heart directly. Do I seriously

          Make every single day count Day174

          Decision Day173

          On July 15th, I made a big decision to add an extra Japanese class on Monday after school next week. I invited only the advanced Japanese-level students and one teacher who is keen to study Japanese. I'm really excited about this class, but

          Decision Day173

          Keep going... Day172

          14th July Regarding that I went to bed so early time, I was filled with so much energy. Therefore, I went running and training. I prefer to spend my weekend outside rather than packed at house. I could release my strength a lot outside. Nev

          Keep going... Day172

          Best day Day171

          On July 13th, after finishing the series, we went to a beer factory in the mountains. If I had to pick the most captivating place in Australia, this would be it without a second thought. It's such a lovely place, unlike anything I can exper

          Best day Day171


          On July 12th, I planned to hang out with Tommy after school, so I went straight to his house and stayed overnight. Our main goal was to watch a Netflix series together from the beginning, even though we had just watched it a week ago. We're


          On July 11th, I had my first class with Year 7B. Starting to remember each student's name reminded me of what I accomplished in Term 1. It's always challenging to remember all the students' names at the beginning, but I want to ensure tha

          Grit Day168

          10th July Since Term 3 started, my class schedule has changed, and now I only have four classes every Wednesday. This gives me a lot of free time in the staff room unless I need to prepare or edit materials for my classes. I was initial

          Grit Day168

          Restart Day167

          9th July Today was the beginning of term 3. I mean it has been a long time since I met my student’s last time. I was like so fresh that I felt taking a long time until became accustomed to school life. On first day, I hosted my extra Japan

          Restart Day167

          Changes Day166

          8th July clear weather I intended to go to school even on students’ free days. However, I couldn’t go there because I had to care for my new host family. My host mother preferred that I stay in the house. I just took him around the house a

          Changes Day166

          Last weekend Day 164 and 165

          6th and 7th July Sooner or later, this weekend would be the last of my vacation. I was like so time flies when it comes to enjoyable moments. I don't mean working here is not fun at all. However, we can get eccentric things between holida

          Last weekend Day 164 and 165