
Wellington Point Day179

21th July 
Today, Tommy brought me to Wellington Point with his daughter. I had no clue where it was. 
Around an hour from the city, we got to the shopping area where many Asian restaurants are. 

I was fascinated with that environment I can't rarely feel in Australia. 
Tommy recommended trying PappaRoti which is a traditional sweet from Malesia.   I was overwhelmed with the taste that I had never tasted. How crispy and fluffy. 
To top it off all, how it was suitable for coffee….
Before jumping into the main purpose, I was filled with happiness and satisfaction. My feelings were no longer there… 
However, I was taken aback by what the heck once I got there. 

What I experienced today was so stimulative that it made my motivation high.

What I have seen in my life was just a small world packed with small perspectives and stereotypes.

I felt ecstasy today…  
