
Shopify Q1 2021 考察~アマゾンキラーと呼ばれるわけ~

*English as below.


「D2C」とは「Direct to Customer」の略で、製造者が消費者に対して直接商品を販売するビジネスモデルだ。製造者がECサイトの自社チャネルから消費者に直接商品を届けるケースがD2Cモデルにあたる。





主な収益源は2つ、サブスクリプション ソリューションとマーチャント ソリューションだ。


サブスクリプション ソリューションは、加盟店がショッピファイのプラットフォームを使用するために支払われる収益で、マーチャント ソリューションは、決済代行や配送等の機能をショッピファイが行うことで得られる収益だ。

いずれのソリューションもインフラコストがかかるが、マーチャント ソリューションは支払いの処理に関連したネットワーク等の追加コストがかかるため、粗利益率はサブスクリプション ソリューションの方が高い。

また、マーチャント ソリューションはトランザクションが発生した後にショッピファイが収益を得られる一方、サブスクリプション ソリューションは、前払い(一部契約除く)でショッピファイが収益を得られる。

高い利益率を誇るサブスクリプション ソリューションから得られる収益を、マーチャントソリューションの分野に投資することで、利益率の改善や収益拡大など良い循環ができている。



定量的に言えば、今期の総収益は前年同期比110%の約9.9億ドル。内訳は、サブスクリプションソリューションの収益が前年同期比71%増の3.2億ドル、マーチャント・ソリューションズの収益が前年同期比137%増の6.7億ドルだった。月間経常収益 (MRR)は前年同期比62%増の8,990万ドルで、より多くの消費者がプラットフォームにアクセスし収益に貢献したと言える。GMV(取扱高)は前年同期比114%増の373億ドル。決済高(GPV)は前年同期比137%増の173億ドルで、GMV処理の46%を占めた。









2点目は、集客力の強さだ。Shopifyは様々なアプリと連携している。連携可能なアプリは6つだ。Facebook、Instagram、Amazon、Note、Pinterest、Google Shopping。また、ShopifyはSEO対策に莫大なリソースを注いていることで有名な企業だ。まさに、SEO x SNSで強力な集客を行うことができる。


最後の特徴は、越境ECの対応がしやすいところだ。一つは豊富な決済方法。消費者からの決済方法は多様化しており、同社では4つの決済方法に対応している。クレジットカード決済、携帯キャリア決済、コンビニ、銀行振り込み、Amazon Pay決済。そしてStripeやPayPalなどの世界対応決済システムの導入可能だ。2つ目は、多言語、多通貨に対応している点だ。同社は、多言語多通貨に対応しているため、海外への発送手配サポートが整っている。各国の税率など細かな設定も行っているため、ストレスフリーにグローバルビジネスができるのも魅力のひとつだ。

2021年度第1四半期の結果は、D2Cビジネスが発展してきた上、新型コロナウイルスの影響によってより加速した。また、他社と異なった独自性あるサービスの提供も大きく貢献したと言えるだろう。しかし2021年には、各国がワクチンを展開し続け、人々がより自由に動くことができるようになるため、経済環境全体が改善され、消費者の行動が変化する可能性が高い。人間は本質的に社会的な生き物であるため、オンラインへの移行は継続する可能性はあるが、消費者は新しい出会いを求めるために店舗を訪問するだろう。EY Future Consumer Index(*1)によると、パンデミック後には、消費者の38%が魅力ある顧客体験を提供する店舗に訪問するという結果が出ている。よって、同社のアフターコロナ戦略が気になるところだ。


*1 Source

[Q1 ハイライト]
• 売上高:9.9億ドル(前年比 +110%)
サブスクリプション売上高:3.2億ドル(前年比 +71%)
小売業者向けサービス売上高:6.7億ドル(前年比 +137%)
• Non-GAAP 粗利:5.7億ドル(前年比 +114%)
• Non-GAAP グロスマージン:57%(前年同期:56%)
• Non-GAAP 営業利益:2.1億ドル(前年同期:(0.1) 億ドル)
• Non-GAAP 営業マージン:21%
• Non-GAAP 純利益:2.5億ドル(前年同期:0.2億ドル)
• Non-GAAP EPS:2.01ドル(前年同期:0.19ドル)
• 営業キャッシュフロー:1.4億ドル(前年同期:(0.8) 億ドル)

• MRR(月間平均売上高):8,990万ドル(前年比 +62%)
• GMV(取扱高):373億ドル(前年比 +114%)
• テイクレート:約2.65%
• GPV(決済高):173億ドル(前年比 +137%)
• GPV/GMV:46%(前年同期:42%)

Business models have changed drastically due to the rapid evolution of technology. We have all heard of the terms "B to B" and "B to C" to distinguish business models based on the differences in customers. However, in recent years, a new business model called "D2C" has been gaining attention.

D2C stands for "Direct to Customer," a business model in which manufacturers sell products directly to consumers. The D2C model is where the manufacturer delivers the product directly to the consumer through its own channel on the EC site.

When it comes to companies that operate EC sites under the D2C model, Amazon and Rakuten probably come to mind for many people in Japan. However, there is one company that has achieved explosive growth overseas and is known as an Amazon killer. That company is Shopify.

Shopify is a huge Saas-type e-commerce platform company from Canada that provides a service that allows you to open a highly functional online store, and has opened more than 1 million online stores in 175 countries around the world.

On April 28, 2021, the company announced its strong financial results for the first quarter of 2021. As its name implies, it has the world's No. 1 market share, and the results for this quarter were strong. Before discussing the factors behind the strong performance, I would like to describe Shoppify's basic revenue model.

There are two main revenue streams: subscription solutions and merchant solutions.

The subscription solution is the revenue that merchants pay to use Shopify's platform, while the merchant solution is the revenue that Shopify earns by performing functions such as payment processing and delivery.

Both solutions incur infrastructure costs, but the merchant solution incurs additional costs such as network related to payment processing, so the gross profit margin is higher for the subscription solution.

In addition, the merchant solution allows Shopify to earn revenue after the transaction occurs, while the subscription solution allows Shopify to earn revenue upfront (excluding some contracts).

By investing the revenue generated from the high-margin subscription solution in the merchant solution field, the company has been able to create a good cycle of improved profitability and revenue growth.

Now, I would like to examine the factors behind the strong performance this fiscal year.

First of all, the number of companies that switched from brick-and-mortar store business has increased. Demand from companies with brick-and-mortar stores that were unable to operate due to the Corona disaster led to significant growth. In particular, there has been an increase in the number of companies (merchants) that mainly do business in brick-and-mortar stores and have never engaged in EC before. As the number of merchants increased, so did the number of consumers.

Quantitatively speaking, total revenue for this quarter was approximately $990 million, 110% higher than the same period last year. This included subscription solutions revenue of $320 million, up 71% YoY, and merchant solutions revenue of $670 million, up 137% YoY. Monthly recurring revenue (MRR) was $89.9 million, up 62% YoY, as more consumers accessed the platform and contributed to revenue; GMV (transaction volume) was $37.3 billion, up 114% YoY. GMV (Gross Merchandise Volume) was up 114% YoY to $37.3 billion, while GPV (Gross Provincial Value) was up 137% YoY to $17.3 billion, accounting for 46% of GMV transactions.

Next, what does Shopify have that other companies don't? First, there is the cost aspect. The traditional way of developing an e-commerce site requires a lot of resources to be spent on advance preparations such as "preparing your own server" and "implementing a package". However, since Shopifi is based on a subscription model, it is possible to develop quickly without spending a lot of initial costs. Also, compared to other companies, Shopifi offers superior site "design" and "customizability," allowing users to select a pre-designed theme and then modify it to meet their detailed needs.

Secondly, Shopify has the ability to attract customers. In addition, Shopify is a company that is famous for devoting huge resources to SEO. Shopify is well known for its huge SEO resources, so you can really attract customers with SEO x SNS.

The third point is the simplicity of the inventory management system, which is essential for running an e-commerce site. You can also set up inventory tracking and adjust the number of items in stock to prevent orders from being placed when there is no inventory. This is why it has been chosen around the world, not only for its ease of site management, but also for its ease of administration and management.

The last feature is that it is easy to handle cross-border EC. One is the wide variety of payment methods. Consumers are increasingly diversifying their payment methods, and the company supports four payment methods. The company supports four payment methods: credit card payment, mobile carrier payment, convenience store payment, bank transfer, and Amazon Pay payment. Secondly, the company supports multiple languages and currencies. The second is that the company supports multiple languages and multiple currencies, and is ready to support overseas shipping arrangements. The company also handles detailed settings such as tax rates for each country, making it possible to conduct global business stress-free.

The results for the first quarter of FY2021 show that the D2C business has been developing and has been accelerated by the impact of the new coronavirus. In addition, the provision of services that are different and unique from those of other companies has also contributed greatly. In 2021, however, the overall economic environment is likely to improve and consumer behavior will change as countries continue to roll out vaccines and people are able to move more freely. As humans are social creatures by nature, the shift online may continue, but consumers will visit stores to meet new people. 38% of consumers will visit stores that offer an engaging customer experience after the pandemic, according to the EY Future Consumer Index (*1).  Therefore, the company's post-pandemic strategy is of interest.

[Q1 Highlights]
- Sales: $990 million (+110% YoY)
Subscription sales: $320 million (+71% YoY)
Retailer services revenue: $670 million (+137% YoY)
- Non-GAAP gross margin: $570 million (+114% YoY)
- Non-GAAP gross margin: 57% (vs. 56% in the same period last year)
- Non-GAAP operating income: $210 million (vs. $(0.1) billion in the same period last year)
- Non-GAAP operating margin: 21
- Non-GAAP net income: $250 million (vs. $(0.2) billion in the same period last year)
- Non-GAAP EPS: $2.01 (vs. $0.19 in the same period last year)
- Operating cash flow: $140 million (vs. $(0.8) million in the same period last year)

- MRR (monthly average revenue): $89.9 million (+62% YoY)
- GMV (transaction volume): $37.3 billion (+114% YoY)
- Take rate: approx. 2.65
- GPV (settlement volume): $17.3 billion (+137% YoY)
- GPV/GMV: 46% (vs. 42% in the same period last year)
