
より深く、より自由に、新しい世界へ(自己紹介にかえて)/ Navigating to a new world-More Deeply, More Freely-

※English follows Japanese.

Zen Japan株式会社の尾亦加代子です。2020年に全国通訳案内士(英語)の資格を取得し、現在英語ガイドとしても活動しています。2022年8月からは東京国立近代美術館のガイドスタッフとして、「対話鑑賞」という手法でアート作品の所蔵品ガイドも行っています。









  • 過去争いを繰り返しながらも多文化を受け入れ、発展させてきた“柔軟性”

  • 激しい自然現象に見舞われる中で生きていることへの自然に対する“畏れ=謙虚さ”










Hello, I’m Kayoko Omata from Zen Japan Co,.ltd. In 2020, I became a certified National Guide for Interpreters (English), and I am currently working as an English-speaking guide.

Although I am still a novice guide as a professional, I believe working as a guide is my vocation, and I have been gradually accumulating various experiences.
However, the guiding industry is currently facing tough situation.
With the existence of AI, most information can be found by searching the Internet.
In such an age, what is the role of "guide"?

I would like to write down what I have felt, what I have practiced, and what I would like to achieve in the future as a guide.

To be a bridge person

My first experience as a guide was in Malaysia, where I worked as a volunteer Japanese- guide at the National Museum of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, where I lived from 2017 to 2019. I have loved traveling abroad since I was a student and have traveled to relatively many different regions, but just as people have their own personalities, countries also have their own characteristics, and I feel that "history and culture" are essential elements in understanding a country.
As a volunteer guide at the museum, I had the opportunity to learn about the history of countries other than Japan in earnest, how Malaysia, which is known as a "multi-ethnic nation," was formed, and how "diversity" within the country coexists.
It was an irreplaceable experience for me to be able to make a small contribution as a bridge of friendship between our two countries by explaining the history and culture of Malaysia to Japanese people through my guiding.

Currently, we live in a world of constant conflict, but I believe that if more and more people in each country feel a sense of familiarity with countries other than their own, we can help to realize a peaceful society, even if just a little. And my most important motivation as a guide is "to be a bridge in connecting people to people beyond nationalities.”

Carefully conveying the depth of Japan

In Malaysia, I was a guide for Japanese tourists and Japanese expatriates to learn about "Malaysia" history and culture. I returned to Japan in 2019, then I began to think that I would like to help people from overseas to learn about "Japan," and I decided to take National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter Exam in that year. Luckily enough, I managed to pass the exam on my own. (I will write more about my self-study methods at some point in the future.)
However, at about the same time when I passed the exam, the whole world was falling into the panic of COVID19 Pandemic.

I had to put off working as an English-speaking guide for a while, but before I made my debut as an English-speaking guide, I had deepened my understanding of Japanese culture and history by attending training courses and reading a variety of documents as my interest led me.

  • Flexibility in accepting and developing multiculturalism despite repeated conflicts in the past

  • A sense of humility and "awe" toward nature for living in the midst of violent natural phenomena.

I feel that these values have been passed down from generation to generation in “Zen”, which is now attracting worldwide attention, “Noh”, which is said to be the world's oldest performing art, and “Japanese food (Washoku)”, which has been registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. I believe that carefully conveying such a mindset as a guide will lead to a high-quality trip to Japan that is not all about consumption, but also provides time to ponder and reevaluate oneself connecting inner mind.

Creating a flat space that transcends age, gender, and nationality

By a fortunate chance, I have also been working as a guide staff at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo ("MOMAT") since 2022. For more than 20 years, the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo (MOMAT) has been offering a museum guide based on “Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS)”.

When MOMAT offer a regular daily tour, participants watch an artwork for about one minute, and then talk freely with each other based on the guide's questions to deepen their appreciation of the work.

There are three rules when we offer a program at MOMAT, which I was deeply moved at the first guide application briefing.
They are,
1. Speak freely and openly about what you feel.
2. Do not deny others' opinions.
3. Do not look at any information other than the work in front of you (e.g., author, title, caption, etc.).

When we start talking with participants under this rule, each opinion is respected, transcending age and gender, and as various viewpoints are mixed, we can gradually feel our thoughts deepening and a new world expanding, just like going down a spiral staircase.

VTS based program is characterized not only by listening to explanations, but also by the interactive nature of the program, where time for "thinking" about the work and time for "expressing" one's feelings coexist.

The program is truly a once-in-a-lifetime encounter, so it is also attractive to be able to enjoy a dialogue with participants that can only be created at that moment. This is a great opportunity to broaden one's perspective.

I also feel that each time I facilitate a talking session of the program, participants can "speak honestly" about their impressions or verbalize their feelings of "discomfort" that one would not normally express in public, and this reveals "habits of own thinking" that each one of them had not noticed before, which in turn helps us to "know myself more deeply.

My lifelong journey as a guide

I value not only "conveying carefully", but also navigating participants to think and explore something new together, which is not just giving a one-sided explanation.

Travel is a time to update oneself, to gain new insights, to refresh, and to relax. The "guide" is also there to share the "guest's" private time and make it a precious time.

If that is the case, I would like to be a person for a guests "to navigate more freely and more deeply than ever before, to travel to new thoughts and ideas that they have never been encountered before...".

This is what I would like to pursue through my life.

