
「NHK基礎英語3」一年間チャレンジ 45日目 Writing "My best friend"

今日は Writing に挑戦します!

"Lesson29 "My best friend"に刺激を受けて、私も自分の友達について書くことにしました。

My best friend

I had a few really good friends when I was a kid. I was really shy, so I wasn’t the kind of kid who made a lot of friends. But when I made a friend, they were a good friend.

One of my best friends is Megumi. I met her for the first time at an entrance ceremony of elementary school. We went to the same elementary school and junior high school. We had been in the same class for 9 years. She lived near my house. We went to and from school every day.

We hung out after school and weekends. We had a fun time, but sometimes got mad and ignored each other. After a while, we always felt lonely and made up in the end.

Recently we haven’t caught up so often. We just exchange a message once a year. Even if we don’t catch up for a long time, I believe she is one of my best friends.





