
Katsurao AIR 2023 Archives:工藤将亮 KUDO Masaaki


Twin Leaves

Vodeo: 77m


Shineha Tatsuki is a writer who comes to Katsurao as an artist in residence. Tatsuki's old friend Mori, who works as the director of Katsurao AIR, comes to meet her. Tatsuki, whose usual work is nothing like this sort of art, engages with unfamiliar practices, looking for a new version of herself.
Nagi is Tatsuki's former girlfriend. She comes to Katsurao, where she knows no one, looking for Tatsuki. She begins her search and meets Teruko from the Katsurao public office. Teruko, who looked after Tatsuki during her residency in Katsurao, helps Nagi to get accommodation and shows her around the village. When Nagi visits Katsurao Junior High School, which is hosting the Artist in Residence Program, she finds a book containing a story by Tatsuki. Reading the story, she discovers it is about her coming to Katsurao to search for Tatsuki, exactly as she is doing in real life... From there, the story in the book and her story in reality begin to intersect.

標葉タツキ - 智順
ナギ - 岸茉莉
テルコ - 湯舟すぴか
モリ - 長岩健人
Shineha Tatsuki - Chisun.
Nagi - KISHI Mari.
Teruko - YUFUNE Supika.
Mori - NAGAIWA Kento.

普段映画制作では俳優はフィクション=創作された架空の人物を演じる。今回はフィクション を演じるのではなく、ノンフィクション・実際の村人を演じた。がゆえに、工藤が創作したフィクションの物語には、俳優たちが心象したキャラクターとの不一致が生じてくる。
俳優たちは日々悪戦苦闘した。どうしても創作した物語に自分たちの心象がそぐわないからだ。 そこで工藤はあらかじめ“もうひとつ”の物語を用意した。俳優たちが自由に演技することを規制せず、心象そのもので演技してもらうことにチャレンジした。

The four actors began by interviewing long-time residents, as well as young people who had moved to Katsurao. They used their discoveries to take on the personas of real people living in the village as "characters" in the film. Unlike a documentary, they then acted out the fictional story devised by Kudo. This led to conflicts that do not typically arise in the acting process ― the divergence between created fiction and the factual non-fiction of the village. In a typical film production, actors act out fictions, which is to say, invented characters who do not exist. In this production, they instead acted out non-fictions ー that is, real villagers. This resulted in inconsistencies between Kudo' s fictional creation and the actors' images of their characters. Every day was a struggle for the actors as what they imagined refused to align with the story. Here, Kudo brought in one more story he had prepared beforehand. He gave actors complete freedom in their performance and asked them to act out exactly what they imagined. This became "Twin Leaves".

KUDO Masaaki
工藤 将亮

ビジュアルアーツ専門学校 大阪、放送映画学科卒業

専門学校在籍中に京都の撮影所でエキストラや美術のバイトなどで働き出す。卒業後、松竹京都撮影所 に演出部として入社。時代劇からファンタジー作品など数多くの作品に携わる。その後、東京に移り活動の場を広げる。主に師事した監督として 森田芳光 、行定勲 、石井岳龍 、東陽一などがいる。2017年初監督作品「 アイムクレイジー 」を製作。同作は2018年第22回 プチョン国際ファンタスティック映画祭 に出品され、最優秀アジア映画賞(NETPAC賞)を受賞する。2020年コロナ禍の中で製作した「未曾有」が2021年第25回タリンブラックナイト映画祭に正式出品される。三作目である「 遠いところ 」が2022年7月、第56回 カルロヴィ·ヴァリ国際映画祭のメインコンペティションに選ばれる。

Graduated from Visual Arts College, Osaka, Broadcast Film Department.

Masaaki Kudo started working as an extra and part-time art worker at a film studio in Kyoto while still a student at the college. After graduation he joined Shochiku Kyoto Studios as a member of the directing department. Worked on a number of productions, from period dramas to fantasy films. Later moved to Tokyo to broaden his activities. His main directors include Yoshimitsu Morita, Isao Yukisada, Gakuryu Ishii and Yoichi Azuma.
Produced his first film ‘I’m Crazy’ in 2017. In 2020, his film ‘Unprecedented'(MIZOU), made in the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic, will be an official selection of the 25th Tallinn Black Night Film Festival in 2021. Third film ‘A Far Shore’ selected for the main competition at the 56th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in July 2022.
