
The original sound is the best! Real Game Console tone generator band "NES BAND"!

原音最強!実機音源演奏バンド「NES BAND」

While songs with various changes to the original sounds and songs are flourishing, There are bands that use the original sound to show a performance that faithfully reproduces the original song. That band is NES BAND!

元の音や曲に様々な変化を加えた曲が隆盛する中、原音を使い原曲を忠実に再現したパフォーマンスをみせてくれるバンドがいます。それがNES BANDだ!

Hello there! I'm Katsu! How's it going? 


Even if it's called playing a song with the original sound, you're still not sure, right? What a surprise, they are playing game songs from that time with the original sounds of the NES and Super NES!


Huh? That's like listening to a soundtrack, isn't you?

えっ? それってサントラを聴くようなものだよね?

I hope you'll give it a try if you think that way! There's no doubt that you'll be impressed!
Now, they recreate and upload videos of many different game songs, but I'd like to share five of them with you all! So let's get going!


"Clash on the Big Bridge" with real SNES tone generator / Final Fantasy 5


NES FINAL FANTASY Battle Medley with the real NES tone generator / NES BAND 24th Live 2017

ファイナルファンタジー戦闘曲ファミコン版全曲メドレー NES FINAL FANTASY Battle Medley / NES BAND 24th Live 2018

Final Fantasy 4 Medley with the real SNES tone generator / SUPER NES BAND 1st Live 2019

ファイナルファンタジー4メドレーをスーファミ実機音源で合奏してみた FF4 Medley / SUPER NES BAND 1st Live 2019

The Legend of Zelda Medley with the real Famicom(NES)tone generator / NES BAND 30th Live 2019

ゼルダの伝説メドレー The Legend of Zelda Medley / NES BAND 30th Live 2019

Dragon Quest 5 Medley with the real SNES tone generator / SUPER NES BAND 1st live 2019

ドラクエ5メドレーをスーファミ実機音源で合奏してみた DQ5 Medley / SUPER NES BAND 1st Live 2019

What did you think? I can't stop shaking and crying anymore.
The original sound we heard in our childhood is something that remains in our ears. In addition to the videos I've posted here, there are more videos of the band performing nostalgic songs, so please check them out :)
Thank you again for reading to the end of this article! Ahhh then, You can watch the video below if you like! See you next time! bye bye :D

子供のころ耳にした原音とゆうのは、しっかりと耳に残っているものなんですね。今回紹介した動画以外にも懐かしい曲を演奏している動画がアップされていますので、そちらも是非見にに行ってみて下さい :)

Super NES Sound Demo on Super Mario World / SUPER NES BAND 1st Live

マリオの曲をスーファミ音源で1音ずつ足すデモ SUPER NES BAND Demo

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