

Bluegrass, Country, Piano, Jazz, Game, Anime, etc.


Julianne Petersen The Petersens' Mandolin Player Her pretty voice makes the band blossom

ジュリアンヌ・ピーターセン ザ・ピーターセンズのマンドリンプレーヤー 彼女のキュートな歌声はバンドに花をさかせる Hi! How's it going guys! I'm Katsu. This time I'd like to introduce The Petersens' Mandolin Player Julianne Petersen. If you want to know about the Petersens and some videos, you can

The Dead South, Their comical and playful performance and sound is a breakthrough in bluegrass

ザ・デッド・サウス 彼らのコミカルで遊び心のあるパフォーマンスとサウンドはブルーグラスの常識を覆す An ensemble of bluegrass instruments such as banjo and dobro and a chorus. The country sound that comes out of that is bluegrass. Am I the only one who had such a fixed idea? バンジョーやドブロといった

THE PETERSENS is too wonderful!

THE PETERSENSが素晴らしすぎる! Hi guys! What's going on? I'm Katsu :D When you start learning English, you'll more opportunities find out know foreign artists, right? Me too. Then today, I would like to introduce THE PETERSENS who play very beau

Emmett Franz, The Petersens' Dobroist and Composer, I want you to be drawn in by his melancholy voice.

エメット・フランツ、ピーターセンズのドブロイストでコンポーザー、彼の哀愁を帯びた歌声に惹き込まれてほしい Hi! How's it going guys? I'm Katsu! You all know the Petersens Band by now. This time, I'd like to highlight one of the band's accents in particular, Emmitt Franz! みなさんこんにちは!かつです!もうみなさん

Southern Raised, The bluegrass sounds they play are also amazing!

サザン・レイズ、彼らが奏でるブルーグラスの音色もまた素晴らしい! It's been ages! How's it going guys? I'm Katsu. I feel for a long time what I introduce a video because I got going on to create a script of the Japanese language. お久しぶりです! いかがお過ごしでしょうか? カツです。 日本語スクリプト作成を始

"Valentina Lisitsa" It' s a supreme piece that she plays Beethoven "Moonlight" Sonata, III "Presto Agitato"!

ヴァレンティーナ・リシッツァ 彼女の演奏するベートーヴェンピアノソナタ月光第三楽章はまさに至高の一曲! I long for this song, I'm sure there are people who started with the first movement, finished the second movement, and then moved on to the third movement but fell short here. Yes, that's

Valentina Lisitsa, She who plays on the street piano is full of her charm unadorned

ヴァレンティーナ・リシッツァ、ストリートピアノで演奏する彼女には、飾らない彼女の魅力に満ちている Hi! How's it going, guys? This time, I'd like to share a music video that pianist Valentina Lisitsa plays a street piano. She who plays on the street with roughly dressed makes us feel very

The Boogie Woogie Pianist Ladyva

ブギウギ ピアニスト レディバ When you think of boogie-woogie, you probably think of the early post-war years of the Showa era. Yes, it was a time when songs like "Tokyo Boogie Woogie" were so popular. I wasn't born, so I only had an image of this song

Transcendental Jazz Pianist Jacob Koller

超絶技巧ジャズピアニスト ジェイコブ・コーラー When you think about transcendental skills, names like Franz Liszt and Vladimir Horowitz will come up quickly. And then even currently, there is the pianist who this word fits the most. That is Jacob Koller. 超絶技巧とい

Henri Herbert, get drunk on his passionate boogie and blues!

アンリ・ハーバート、彼の情熱的なブギーとブルースに酔いしれてくれ! Hello there! How's it going? I'm Katsu. こんにちはみなさん!かつです。 And now, I'd like to introduce you to Henri Herbert's video! He is a former member of The Jim Jones Revue and his street boogie piano performance v

Vladimir Horowitz, His Carmen and Sousa again.

ウラディミール・ホロヴィッツ、彼のカルメンとスーザをもう一度 Everyone was fascinated. His unique playing style. And his overwhelmingly powerful sound. 誰もが魅了された。彼の独特な演奏スタイル。そして圧倒的なパワフルサウンドに。 Hello there! How's it going? I'm Katsu. 皆さんいかがお過ごしでしょうか?かつです。 I'm sure you

ValentinaLisitsa/Her new post gives us the strength to live

ヴァレンティーナ・リシッツァ/彼女の NEW POST が僕たちに生きる力をあたえてくれる Yesterday, she posted a new video of her new video. It was dedicated to those suffering from COVID. Please help me reach as many people as possible. I'm sure there will be people who will be he

The original sound is the best! Real Game Console tone generator band "NES BAND"!

原音最強!実機音源演奏バンド「NES BAND」 While songs with various changes to the original sounds and songs are flourishing, There are bands that use the original sound to show a performance that faithfully reproduces the original song. That band is NES BA