
Southern Raised, The bluegrass sounds they play are also amazing!


It's been ages! How's it going guys? I'm Katsu.
I feel for a long time what I introduce a video because I got going on to create a script of the Japanese language.

お久しぶりです! いかがお過ごしでしょうか? カツです。

Then I have been recommending the Petersens as one of the bluegrass bands but this time I'd like to do introduce Southern Raised.



This band consists of four people who Lindsay (bass), Emily (mandolin &
violin), their brother Matt (guitar) and Alex(banjo & dobro). They had been activity with three person until last year but t
his year they started working with four people with the addition of Alex as the banjo and dobro player.


The most characteristic element is to combine classical to bluegrass. And It plays beautiful sounds. There are also many classic arrangements. If you'd like more know detail, check the band bio following!


Okay then first of all "Country Roads" and then "Orange Blossom Special", finally Fanny Crosby's "hymn Blessed Assurance". Please have fun with these three songs. let's get going!

では、まず最初に「カントリーロード」、次に「オレンジブロッサムスペシャル」、最後にファニークロスビーの「賛美歌の祝福された保証」です。 是非この3曲、楽しんでいってください let's get going!

Take Me Home, Country Roads - Southern Raised

Southern Raised Bluegrass Performs "Orange Blossom Special"

Branson Missouri's Southern Raised Bluegrass sings Fanny Crosby's hymn Blessed Assurance

How did you feel about the performance? I hope you enjoyed it. Country Roads they sing are also really beautiful. and of course the other two songs too. So also this time thank you for coming to my note! Pleases stop by once more! See you next time bye-bye!

いかがでしたでしょうか? 楽しんでいただけたでしょうか。
彼らが歌うカントリーロードもまた本当に美しいですよね。 そしてもちろん他の2曲も。
それでは今回も私のnoteに来てくれてありがとうございました! 是非またお立ち寄りください! ではではまた次回  バイバイ!


Southern Raised web site


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