
元氣ウェイ around the world?

A few years ago, I started working with Rumi Hashimoto on an idea known as GENKI WAY. Based on Genki Way Promises, it serves as a starting point to a path of living a healthy and fulfilling life.

Can GENKI WAY become a recognizable phrase used around the world?
Yes! And in fact, that's the plan.

So, we've started a note.com account for GENKI WAY to share our vision and connect with other inspiring creators.

Our Vision​

Genki Way signifies the diverse and individual path we walk in this life - a journey we know means something different to each of us. We all have the innate ability to live a life that is both healthy and meaningful. When we have the courage to walk this path, we are rewarded with an incessant joy, freedom and appreciation for all aspects of who we are and who we want to be.

The Genki Way reminds us that although our paths may look very different, we never walk this journey alone. It is our connection with friends, family and our community that enriches our lives in the most meaningful ways.

The Creative Creators

My partner on this project is Rumi Hashimoto (ハシモトルミ). Born and raised in Japan before living 40+ years in Southern California, Rumi is bilingual in English and Japanese. An artist and writer, she also has a vast background as a nurse practitioner, college professor, and entrepreneur. She lives the "Genki Way" and I highly recommend you check out her note!

Learn More

We continue to evolve with the Genki Way... and our website is a reflection of that. It's still in its infancy, but I hope you'll take a moment to have a look!

May you Be Genki!
