

Canola flowers; the moon rises in the east, the sun sets in the west
In a vibrant Ukiyo-e style landscape, canola flowers bloom expansively under a twilight sky. As the moon rises in the east, it casts a soft, silver glow, while the sun’s descent in the west paints the heavens in a tapestry of orange and pink. This scene uses natural pigments and a texture akin to wet silk, where colors bleed into one another, capturing the fluid transition between day and night. Low polygon textures are harmoniously integrated to add a modern twist to the traditional art form, creating a perfect light ambiance. The essence of this artwork lies in its portrayal of nature’s harmony, where the transition from day to night is seamlessly woven into the blooming beauty of the canola fields, evoking a sense of peace and the delicate balance of natural cycles.



定額 : 読み放題プラン

¥300 / 月

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