
NHKラジオビジネス英語2024 Lesson 9


I'm over whelmed by the enthusiastic atmosphere. People are so casual, open and super friendly. The conversations are like how old friends from school days talk.

Yes. That's the way people foster creative thinking. Oh, there's the virtual [acombooth?]. I'll introduce you to Mr. James Chen, the founder.
Hi, James! How are you doing?

Hi, Harish. I'm doing better than ever. I've been waiting for the day to present our product and service to everyone.

We are super excited, too. Let me introduce you Yuna, our colleague from Tokyo! She arrived in America just a week ago.

Nice to meet you, James. I look forward to your pitch today.

Welcome to America, Yuna! I hope you'll enjoy the pitch. We can touch base at the networking party later.

be overwhelmed by ~ ~に圧倒される
 = be struck by ~
 = be blown away by ~
enthusiastic 熱狂的な
super とても
touch base 連絡を取る
