
NHKラジオビジネス英語 (Lesson31)


So, we forgot to talk about your meeting with the organic union.

To be honest, what he had to say was in line with our predictions.


Well, sales were through the roof, and the trend was organic, however there is a catch. He says Japanese people are  prone to booms as he put it. Something can grow in popularity very quickly, but die out quickly, too.

Lisa, as a Japanese, would you agree?

I think they have a point. Some drinks and clothes end up being temporary fads, but this maybe because those trends started in Japan. If a trend starts abroad, Japan usually follows a similar trajectory with a two-year delay. The organic wine boom started in Europe. So…

I see. Well, thank you. I'll discuss our findings back in London, and get back to you all.

be in line with ~ ~と一致している
 correspond with ~, identical

through the roof 絶好調で、最高限度まで上がる

catch 落とし穴

be prone to ~ ~の傾向がある、~しがちな

fad 流行

trajectory 軌道、軌跡
