
NHKラジオビジネス英語 (Lesson 32)


Subject: Minutes, request for review

Dear all.
I'm glad for a fruitful discussions last week.

I'm sending you the minutes of our meeting in Tokyo.
Please note that I've taken the liberty of including only a summary of your comments from the brain storming session.
If you have any additions or corrections, please feel free to contact me by this Friday.


Hi, Lisa.

Thank you for compiling the minutes.

Please make the following correction to my remarks of a strategy meeting on the bottom of page 3.
Before correction: The policy of organic and natural wines will be discussed [on we consulted on?] in London.
After correction: Organic and natural wines will be one of the [pillows?] of the future strategy of WCS.

Many thanks.
You have made a great contribution to the meetings in Tokyo.
Please continue to be a valued member of WCS.

Hi, Daniel.

I have amended the minutes as requested.
I'm pleased with the positive response to organic and natural wines.
We will do our best to promote the image of WCS as being strong on trendy wines in Japan as well.

By the way, thank you for your kind words about my contribution.
It's very encouraging.

