
NHKラジオビジネス英語 (Interview 2-1)


Let me ask give out your experience at the Learning Institute! What were the goals of the characteristics of the training program?

Probably speaking, I work, we looked to 5 areas.
So, the first area was leadership development. So, that was enabling people leaders, supporting them to grow and develop. And we had a  particular emphasis that around embossed leadership. And working with the leaders so that it occurs that coach the team and enable a team and powered a team.
And the second main area that we worked in was around skills, and particularly building the skills that we require in the future. So, we would think 4 or 5 years down-the-line how the company might change and what skills we might require. And at that time, and we backtrack to the present, and we designed various programs, and so that we could start work on developing those skills before we actually need them.
Then the third area was around culture. So, the Learning Institute was also responsible for driving the culture of curiousity and encouraging associates to learn with rage with breadth and to actively engage in the self-development to take ownership of their self development.
And the fourth area was around talent. So that I'm supporting associates in business-critical role and ensuring they have what they need so that they can develop accordingly.
And then the fifth piece was around external learning. So our activities were not just in-house not just within the company but we also run various learning programs with business schools and universities. And the purpose of this was to enhance EVP, external EVP. So this means employee value proposition. So this is the value that the company can offer its employees. For example, you promote the great activities or great benefits or valued you can bring to employees outside of the company. So by going to universities and learning various pioneering exciting learning programs with them, we were helping to enhance a corporate brand value. So that more young people in Japan would be attractive to a company and inspired to common work with us.

down-the-line これから先
 in the future or at a later date

backtrack to ~ ~までさかのぼる、引き返す
 In this case, "backtrack" means to trace one's steps, to go back and review something that happened or could have happened

associate 同僚、仲間

breadth 幅

business-critical ビジネスの上で重要な

accordingly それに応じて

external 外部の

in-house 社内の

enhance 高める
 to strengthen or improve, to increase

value proposition 価値の提案、企業が提供する価値
 "Value proposition" is a marketing term, and it is used to convey what a business has to offer that can be beneficial to a client, customer, investor and so on.

pioneering 先駆的な
