
NHKラジオビジネス英語 (Lesson 27)


Oh, quite a day!

Is everything ok?

Oh, just a little tired. Are you good?

I'm fine. How did you feel talking to everyone today?

It was interesting! I think when you facing collectors like I am, it's all about sales figures. How many bottles of which expensive wine did you sell this month? That kind of talk.

I see.

You tend to brush over the grassroots side of wine, but all the presigous brands we know today they all have humble beginings. I think today I was reminded how people like Pascal want to support new upcoming wineries and protect the wine industry in a long run.

Yes. He is very passionate about supporting startups. I think it's because he also struggled starting up that restaurant.

Also he was very polite, but clearly he wants more variety in our natural wine lineup.

brush over 軽視する、軽く扱う

grassroots 草の根の、大衆の

humble 慎ましい、地味な、謙虚な

be passionate about ~
 enthusiastic, energetic

struggle 苦労する、(過大な困難に)取り組む
