
NHKラジオビジネス英語 (Interview 1-6)


They say that the majority of performing institutes feel a great pressure to find enough people to fill a venue. What do you think you should do to attract bigger audiences for classical concerts in the post pandemic era.

This is one of most important questions of our time, but it's a question that has been building for years. I can't think of it any time. In my life, one people didn't say when are the audiences going to get younger, when are the halls always going to be full. It's always been difficult, but it's increasingly difficult over the last say 40, 45 years.
Part of it, it's because in many countries the education system in the arts has failed, the arts have taken second, third, fourth place. So, first thing that we have to change is to really speak about the arts seriously in school. That's the first thing.
Second thing actually is something in the way the question was asked. Do we have to fill the hall? Filling a hall almost implies that there is a financial end to this. You do better, if the hall is full because you've sold all of tickets. Well, selling the tickets doesn't really do for the most part match to make the financial picture better. Sold out has maybe its 35% of budget for that particular event. You have the cost of city orchestra, soloist, stagehands, all these things. It's as a lot of money. So, maybe we need to think how we look at the world in my case of classical music.
And COVID, to me, became a missed opportunity for so many organizations. Here we were, we could not go to concerts, live. We could watch them on the Internet. But what were we seeing? Just concerts. Same thing you would see if you went to the hall except to cameras instead. That was the mistake. We should open using the Internet to find different ways to present music to the public who are conversant with the technology. We should not just be recording the concerts.

imply 暗に意味する、ほのめかす

end 意図、目的
 In the interview, Maestro Slatkin talked about a financial end. In this case, "end" refers to a purpose, intention or agenda and end result.

stagehand 裏方

missed opportunity 逃した機会、機会損失

be conversant with ~ ~に精通している
 "Conversant" means to have knowledge about something, being very familiar with a topic, having experience that applies to a situation. synonym: versed.
