
Õnne 13訳してみるチャレンジ①


今回は29. hooaeg, 845. osa。

Ole nüüd pai ja maga ka natuke, eks?
Now be good kid and get some sleep, ok?
*Ole pai: be good kid

Issand, sina siin! Ma mõtlesin, et sa oled tööl.
Lord, you here! I thought you were at work.

Ma peakski tööl olema!
I should be at work!

Mis sa siin teed siis? Issand, ma just jõudsin Mornasse.
What are you doing here then? Lord, I just got to Morna.
Appi, kui äge see meditatsioonilaager oli!
Well, how hot this meditation camp was!
Üks öö küll, aga ma magasime tähistaeva all.
One night, but I slept under the stars.

Külm ei hakkanud?
Cold did not start?

Ei, seest kõik kuumas pärast trummimängu.
No, it's all hot inside after the drum-playing.
Siis ei hakkagi külm. Mis sa kodus teed siis?
Then it won't be cold. What are you doing at home then?

Lastele kutsuti järgi.
Picked up the kid.
*kutsma järgi: to pick up (someone)-le

To where?

Kuhu? Lasteaeda. Laps on haige.
To where? Kindergarten.

Ma ei teadnud, millal sa jõuad, muidu oleks äkki ära oodanud, nüüd ma võtsin juba hoolduspäeva.
The child is ill. I didn't know when you would arrive, otherwise I would have waited, now I took a day of care.

Mis tal on siis?
What does he have then?

Kõht on lahti.
*Kõht on lahti: Diarrhea (Kõht on kinni: constipation) 

Ah, ei sellest ole midagi, ei tasu suurt numbrit teha. Keha puhastabki niimoodi, et laseb ennast mürkidest lahti. Siis mahub jälle uut energiat sisse.
Ah, it's nothing, it's not worth making a big deal. The body cleanses in such a way that it releases itself from toxins. Then new energy can fit in again.

Nagu sa ütled.
Like you say.

Mis sa ehmatad! Palun astu ilusti edasi ja võta istet, palun!
What a scare you! Please step forward and take your seat, please!

Meil on ju uks on lahti. Uksed on lahti. 
We have the door open. The doors are open.  
Uksed on siin majas alati lahti, kui kellegi midagi päriselt vaja on, siis südamed on kinni naelutatud nagu Rapuntseli torn!
The doors in this house are always open, if someone really needs something, their hearts are nailed like the tower of Rapunzel!
Kedagi sisse ei lasta!
No one will be admitted!

Mis jutt see on?
What's the point?
Rapuntsel lasi oma pika patsi alla ja prints sai vabalt seda pidi üles talle külla ronida.
Rapunzel let down her long patient and the prince was free to climb up to visit him.
Seda lugu ma olen Jaanuse lastele kümneid kordi lugenud, nii et seda ma tean väga hästi.
I have read this story to John's children dozens of times, so I know it very well.

Ei, sina, Almakene, sina tead alati kõike, tule istu.
No, you, Almakene, you always know everything, come sit down.
Sina tead köike, mina olen sitasitikas, ei tea mitte midagi.
You know everything, I'm in shit, I don't know anything.

Mis siis nüüd juhtus, et sa jälle selline hädapätakas oled?
So what happened now that you're in such trouble again?
Kust sa jälle selle pudeli kätte said?
Where did you get that bottle again?

Ostsin, mul oli veel raha, varsti enam ei ole.
I bought, I still had money, soon no more.

Kui sa niimoodi jätkad ja kogu oma vara körist alla lased, siis sul varsti tõesti pole enam mitte kui midagi!
If you continue like this and let all your assets go down, you will soon have nothing left!

Niisama ka ei ole. Mind lasti töölt lahti!
It is not the same. I was fired!
Lasti töölt lahti ja palka enam ei saa.
You will be fired and you will no longer be paid.
Võib-olla nii ongi hea, võib-olla ongi parem, lähen pankrotti ja pörutaninimkonna köige madalamasse aluskihti nagu tina!
Maybe that's good, maybe it's better, I'm going bankrupt and the lowest base of the mankind like tin!
Lähen põhja ja välja mina enam ei tule!
I'm going down and I'm not coming out anymore!
*põhja minema: to sink / go bankrupt
Ma ei taha enam, mul on juba ükskõik, ma ei taha mitte midagi.
I don't want to anymore, I don't care, I don't want anything.

Räägi siis, miks Evelin su lahti lasi, mis sa tegid talle.

Then tell me why Evelin let you go, what you did to her.
Ma ju ütlesin, tee ainult töö korralikult ära, agu suu hoia kinni!
I told you, just do the job properly, keep your mouth shut!

Ütlesid. Ma pidasin! Preili Evelin lasi mu lahti ja võttis asemele Jüri Kergese!
You said. I had to! Miss Evelin let me go and replaced Jüri Kerges!

Ah soo, ah et oma isa?
Ah so, ah that her own father?

Isa jah.
Yes, you can't.

Selle vastu ju ei saa. See on ju puhas onupojapoliitika, see on korruptsioon!
You can't resist that. This is pure nephew policy, this is corruption!
*onupojapoliitika: 身内を雇うような贔屓のこと
Selle vastu tõesti aus inimene ei saa.
A really honest person can't do that.

Ei saa.
