



※ベジ議連については海外の関心も高いそうです。東京ヴィーガン共同代表ナディア・マケックニーさんのご協力により、David Buistさんが翻訳してくれた英語版を日本語版の後に掲載しています。(You can find the English version translated by David Buist, for Tokyo Vegan, below the Japanese version.)



会長:河村建夫衆議院議員(自民党) 顧問:漆原良夫前衆議院議員 会長代行:石田祝稔衆議院議員(公明党) 副会長:荒井聡衆議院議員(立憲民主党) 副会長:岸本周平衆議院議員(国民民主党) 副会長:杉本和巳衆議院議員(日本維新の会)、事務局長:松原仁衆議院議員(立憲民主党)





観光庁(外客受入担当 片山敏宏参事官)、農林水産省(食料産業局食品製造課基準認証室 西川真由室長)、消費者庁(食品表示企画課 五十嵐麻衣子課長、食品表示企画課 坊英哲係長)、環境省(環境・再生資源循環局廃棄物適正処理推進課 名倉良夫課長)、気象庁(総務課 西田司庁舎管理官、涌井健一調査官 人事課 杉本正則厚生管理室室長)、東京都庁(産業労働局 坂本雅彦次長 産業労働局観光部 松本明子部長、福塚英雄事業調整担当課長)



垣本充(日本ベジタリアン協会代表)※Zoom参加、高井明徳(日本ベジタリアン学会会長)※Zoom参加、川野陽子(ベジプロジェクトジャパン代表)、小城徳勇(ミートフリーマンデー・オールジャパン事務局長)、近藤沙織(東京ヴィーガン共同代表)、塚平高裕(ニッコクトラスト営業管理部部長)、利根川正則(㈱グローバル・メディア代表)、ナディア・マケックニー(東京ヴィーガン 共同代表)、宮澤亮(グリーンカルチャー株式会社 マーケティング兼法人営業 ※金田代表代理)、室谷真由美(日本ヴィーガン協会代表)、山路ケン(日本エシカルヴィーガン協会代表)




千代田区(末廣康二 商工観光課長、山口茉生 同課職員)、台東区(大垣祥 観光課主任)




観光庁:令和2年度の取り組みの柱は2つ。1つは訪日客への一元的情報発信で、ベジタリアン・ヴィーガン向けポータルサイトを開設し、国内のベジタリアン対応店舗の検索機能付きウェブサイトへ誘導する他、東京都を含む地方自治体が独自に作成した店舗マップや口コミサイトを紹介。ふたつめは、飲食事業者等における受入環境の改善で、飲食事業者が一品でもベジメニューを導入できるようセミナー等を実施。オンラインセミナーの画像はYou Tubeなどでの公開も検討。


東京都:インバウンド需要の落ち込みで打撃を受けているベジ・ヴィーガンやハラール対応飲食店の食の魅力を日本人にも知ってもらおうと、英語だけではなく日本語でも情報発信を強化していく。東京都の観光公式サイト「GO TOKYO」に新たに特設ページを設け(令和3年3月予定)、都内対応店舗を紹介するデジタルパンフレット(令和3年3月公開予定)へ誘導する。観光庁制作のポータルサイトともリンクを貼り、連携する予定。また、東京都が発行するベジタリアン旅行者向けのパンフレット掲載店の店頭に表示できるシールの作成・配布を進める。











A Report on the Fifth General Meeting of the Vege Council

By Hiroko Kato
Translated by David Buist

The Fifth General Meeting of the Vege Council was held on February 19th 2021 at the at the House of Representatives Second Building. The main topic was the ongoing discussion of the certification of food products suitable for vegetarians and vegans under the Act on Japan Agricultural Standards (JAS).

The meeting was attended by members of the House of Representatives, members of the House of Councilors, and staff from several departments of the Japanese Government, including the Japan Tourism Agency, Ministry of the Environment, Consumer Affairs Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Meteorological Agency, and Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Other companies and organizations represented at the meeting were the Japan Vegetarian Society, Japanese Society for Vegetarian Research, Vege Project Japan, Meet Free Monday Japan, Tokyo Vegan, Nikkoku Trust Inc., Global Media Inc., Tokyo Vegan Meetup, Green Culture Inc., Japan Vegan Society, and Ethical Vegan Society of Japan. Local government staff from Chiyoda City and Taito City also attended.

Councilor Genki Sudo recently posted a tweet referring to meat substitutes:

“I attended a meeting about JAS vegetarian and vegan standards. Japan may be behind Western countries in catering for vegetarians and others. I am personally interested in meat substitutes made from plant ingredients such as soya. I have eaten them and could not tell the difference from real meat. Of course, the source is important. Hmm...”

The Meteorological Agency was represented for the first time because their staff canteen has started offering a vegetarian or vegan menu once a week on Wednesdays. It is the second central government department to do so, following the Cabinet Office, which began in 2017. Both canteens are operated by Nikkoku Trust Inc., but unlike the Cabinet Office, the Meteorological Agency's canteen is open to the general public. The Ministry of the Environment is currently in negotiations with their contractor for the introduction of vegetarian/vegan menus in their canteen.

Besides operating canteens at the Cabinet Office and Meteorological Agency, Nikkoku Trust are a major player in the catering industry generally. In 2020, they reported that they had replaced two tons of meat with plant-based products leading to a 48-ton reduction in CO2 (calculated on the basis of an equivalent amount of beef). According to their representative at the meeting, Mr. Tsukadaira, concern with SDGs among listed companies is likely to make catering for vegetarians and vegans a matter of course in the future.

In addition to reporting on their development of plant mince, Green Culture Inc. announced that they had initiated a Green Meat Project providing plant meat to restaurants hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Chiyoda City plans to start promoting vegetarian and vegan businesses in March by distributing DVDs and internet videos. As one of the most progressive local governments in this field, Taito City announced that they will offer subsidies to local restaurants so that they can obtain vegetarian and vegan certification (in addition to Halal certification).

Reports from Government Ministries and Agencies

Consumer Affairs Agency
Dietary habits and needs are becoming more diverse even domestically. We want to create an effective mechanism allowing people to make choices. We recognize the diversity of opinion about “plant-based” and want to consider these thoroughly.

Tourism Agency
Last year's efforts were focused on two main pillars. The first is the establishment of a one-stop portal website with a search function allowing foreign visitors to search restaurants catering to vegetarians and vegans and links to other information sources such as restaurant review sites and restaurants maps produced by local governments. The second is the holding of seminars and other events encouraging restaurant owners to improve their catering for vegetarians and vegans.

Tokyo Metropolitan Government
In response to the decline of in-bound tourism, more information has been distributed in Japanese to increase the interest of Japanese people in restaurants catering for vegetarians, vegans and Halal. A special page has been added to the official tourism website “Go Tokyo” and a digital pamphlet introducing restaurants in the metropolis has been created. In addition, restaurants mentioned in pamphlets for vegetarian tourists have been issued with stickers that they can display.

JAS Vegetarian/Vegan Standards and the ISO Proposal Regarding Foods Suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans

The internationally compatible Japan Agricultural Standards (JAS) Certification Framework is based on the framework decided by the International Standards Organization (ISO). To maintain the impartiality of this framework, organizations cannot certify themselves but must obtain certification from registered third-party certification bodies. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries conducts training programs for organizations wishing to register as certification bodies.

The process of establishing a JAS standard involves a number of steps listed below. The whole process takes at least a year and half to complete, but can take as much as 4 years. The average length of time from initiation of the process until establishment of the standard is 2 years and 10 months.
1. Proposal by private organizations
2. Consultation on standardization
3. Formation of a project team
4. Consideration of draft proposals by the project team
5. Tabling of a standards draft in accordance with Article 4 of the Law
6. Creation of a standards proposal
7. PR and public hearings
8. Deliberation and Approval by the JAS Survey Association
9. Establishment and publication of the JAS standard

The ISO standard for foods suitable for vegetarians and vegans has already been approved and will be issued in March. This standard specifies the following categories:
OLV (ovo-lacto vegetarian)
OV (ovo-vegetarian)
LV (lacto-vegetarian)
VG (vegan)
The standard was approved by a majority of 49 countries voting in favor. 24 countries (including Japan, Israel, the UK, Spain, Turkey, New Zealand, Norway, Belgium and Portugal) abstained because they were concerned about the extension of the prohibition on animal testing to companies supplying ingredients. India voted against for reasons that are unclear.

At the meeting, Representative Shinohara made the following statement of opinion: “When establishing the JAS standard for foods suitable for vegetarians and vegans, we are not bound necessarily to follow the ISO. We must take into account the climate, geography and current conditions in Japan. ... Considering eggs, for example, under current conditions, Japan would have to rely entirely on imports. ... Rather than adopting international standards wholesale, Japan should create its own standards.”

Representative Takai and Councilor Shiomura issued statements via Twitter.

Representative Takai:
“The ISO standard for food suitable for vegetarians and vegans was approved by a majority vote but Japan abstained. When asked why, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries say that the 'prohibition of all animal testing' is too strict. Besides most western countries, even China voted for it. Only India voted against. I get a strong feeling that our country is falling behind in policies on animal welfare.”

Councilor Shiomura:
“Japan abstained in the ISO vote on standards for foods suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Among others, Switzerland, the USA, Turkey, China, Germany, France and Australia all voted in favor. It is said that Japan could not vote in favor because the prohibition on animal testing is too strict. Once again, our country is falling behind because it pays too much attention to vested interests.”

As a non-governmental international organization, the ISO issues standards in all fields (except electricity and electronics) with the aim of promoting international trade and cooperation in academic, scientific, technological and economic activities. Although national governments are not obligated to adopted ISO standards wholesale, the ISO is a clearing house for the discussion of international standards. As already witnessed in the case of organic produce, it is likely that differences will emerge among countries in their definitions of vegetarian and vegan.

It is expected that the content of the JAS vegetarian/vegan standard will be discussed by a project team to be formed in the near future. On this, Vice Head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs, Mr. Sakamoto made the following statement: “The certifying organizations each have their own way of thinking. If we get hung up on philosophical issues, it will become a theological debate, and concrete action will become difficult. I hope people realize that realism is necessary for local governments to develop policy.” Members of the council said that they hoped to pursue policy while balancing the opinions of stake holders when necessary.

Head of the council secretariat, Mr. Matsubara also spoke about the lack of suitable food provided for vegan visitors to Japan during their 14-day quarantine in Narita.

The JAS standards will take some time yet. Japan is clearly behind in its catering for vegetarians and vegans. It is hoped that the small steps started by the Tourism Agency and others will grow into wider efforts and information provision.
