ドキュメンタリー映画「米軍が最も恐れた男 その名は、カメジロー」の英文の2つの紹介記事を読んで



今回観たのは、「米軍が最も恐れた男 その名は、カメジロー」というドキュメンタリー映画。沖縄にも興味があったというのもありますが、主人公にも惹かれるものがあり、選びました。




Or perhaps more succinctly the Okinawan people have been fighting for self-determination in their homeland for quite some time.

succinctly [sə̀ksíŋktli] 簡潔に


self-determination は 自己決定、自決

for quite some time は かなりの長期間にわたっての意。

Kamejiro Senaga, who was a seminal figure in the development of Okinawa’s resistance to being used as a pawn in geopolitics.

seminal 影響力の大きい

pawn は質屋(pawn shop)のpawnですが、人質的な意味合いでも使われるんですね。

The documentary has a fascinating genesis.

genesis 発端

Tetsuya Chikushi, who had a driving interest in Okinawa and Okinawan self-determination. The passion was passed down to Sako, who decided to direct a documentary about Senaga, which aired on TBS in 2016. But the network shunted it off to a late night slot and so it didn’t get the audience or attention Sako hoped for

だいたい意味は想像できますが driving には "猛烈な"という意味もあります。筑紫さんの沖縄へのエネルギーを佐古さんが受け継いだと。

こちらも想像できますが air には自動詞で「放送される」という意味もあると。shunt は「脇においやる」。slot は「時間枠」の意。

Undaunted Sako decided to remake the work as a feature documentary

Undaunted は「くじけない」ぐらいの意味。


He ran for governor of Okinawa and mayor of Naha

run for で「立候補する」。知事に立候補した話は映画内にはなかった。

The current opposition to the U.S. bases in Okinawa, and particularly the relocation of Futenma air base to the pristine coastline of Henoko, has its antecedents in Senaga’s political activism.

pristine 汚されていない

antecedent [æ̀ntisíːdnt] 先例

2.The Japan Times


“My students asked if war wasn’t inextricable from human existence,” he elaborated, adding that he didn’t think so himself.

inextricable [ìnikstríkəbl] 切り離せない

The question was whether Okinawa was taking on a disproportionate amount of the burden for Japan’s security by hosting about 70 percent of the U.S. military bases in Japan.

disproportionate 不均衡な

When Okinawans came to Tokyo to protest the deployment of Osprey aircraft in the prefecture, they were met by counter-demonstrators who called them “traitors” and yelled racist epithets.

traitor 裏切り者、売国奴

epithet 悪口、軽蔑の言葉

TV Asahi went to Germany and Italy, which also lost to the Allies in World War II and host American bases.

the Allies 連合国

Japanese courts have no jurisdiction over U.S. military activities

jurisdiction 司法権、裁判権

“The Man Most Feared by the American Military,” which chronicles late activist Kamejiro Senaga’s homegrown opposition to the U.S.

chronicle 記録する

It shows how the Japanese government abandoned the archipelago to placate the U.S., which exploited Okinawans as a subjugated population with limited civil rights.

archipelago 群島、列島

placate なだめる

exploit 不当に扱う

subjugate 従属させる

このJapan Timesの記事で知ったことは多い。






