










Episode 1:.

I was born in 1950, the generation of my father who was demobilized from World War II (after the end of the Pacific War) when I contracted childhood paralysis (polio), and as a baby, there was no vaccine at that time.

At that time, my parents, my father, an electrical engineer who had returned to work for the Japanese National Railways, and my mother, a telephone operator, stayed up three days and three nights "praying to God.

In those days, many babies died of polio infection. I know that God heard their petitions and their lives were saved.

Through the all-out prayer of petition to God by my parents, God, in His almighty power and mercy, exchanged my life for a developing leg disability due to polio in my right leg.

Every day on his way home from his job as an electrician for the Japan National Railways, my father went to Kanda to study at the Helen Keller Institute, a vocational school in Kanda that offered national certification in massage and Oriental medicine, including acupuncture and moxibustion, to obtain national certification. We later have a picture of the two of us taken together when Helen Keller came to Japan. She used this technique to massage my right leg, which was immobile, every day after I returned home. In those days, we all had plumbing toilets, and our bathrooms and kitchens used firewood. Konosuke Matsushita of National Electric Co., Ltd. was responsible for the two-sided sockets that could be used to distribute electric lights from the base, and the vacuum-powered five-bulb super radio was developed so that every household could listen to the radio.

When I was in elementary school, I was on bath duty every day, listening to Akado Suzunosuke and other music while I lit the firewood. Although there was no modern technology, it was a time of peace and bonding with neighbors, and I think it was a time of great spiritual richness. I think it was a time of great peace and contentment, because our imaginations were sharp and we could imagine all kinds of things. Children were close to nearby woods, rice paddies, rivers, oceans, and forests.

Aside from the good and bad of learning from cram schools and experts from kindergarten, as is the case today, children were able to think for themselves and learn from their own experiences.
Failure and problems are just concepts, and the most important thing is to solve them with your own head, but most people cannot do that. You only live once, so it is okay to draw up an ideal scenario.

I believe that is what design thinking is all about. I think it is cool to not be at someone else's mercy or be a slave, but to live your own life, whether it works or not, and to get up and try again, no matter how many times you get knocked down.

Translated with DeepL
