
シンガポール日記~これまでの道②~SG DIARY-Who am I vol.2-


*My dream when I was little*

Go back 20 years. I don't know the exact reason, maybe it is the influence of the TV documentary program. Since I was about 4 years old, my dream was to become a nurse who is always smiling and caring the other people.

“笑顔でいたり、話を聴いたりすることで、いま何かに苦しんでいる人の笑顔を生み出すことに貢献できるのでは?”                                                        "Wouldn't it be possible to contribute to creating smiles for others who are currently suffering from something through my smile and listening to their stories?"

そんな正直な夢をずっと持ちながらも、”きれいごと”にも見えうる想いは、すべての人に通じる訳ではない。                                                              I have such an honest dream which can be seen as “beautiful dream” but, it is not common to all the people.

When I was  junior high school 3rd grades student, I was spending some time worrying about human relationships and my physical condition.
At that time, The East Japan Earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011.

高校1年間は “電車やバスなど、閉塞感のある場所にいると動悸がする”症状がぶり返し、正直に言えば、日々を過ごすだけで、不安でいっぱいだった。
During my first year of high school, to be honest, I'm just spending my days was full of anxiety.


*The time when my heart is moved*

Under such circumstances, 2012 summer. A turning point has came, at an entrepreneurial presentation tournament, 〈A social innovator Koshien〉 which I was brought to by my father.

“ 問題をかかえている〈かわいそうな人〉を〈助けてあげる〉のではない。どんな状況にある人も〈同じ人間〉。その人がもともと持っている潜在能力がある。それらが、思う存分輝けるための環境をつくる。”                          “It ’s not helping [a poor person] who has a problem. A person in any situation is [the people same as me] . Every people has a original potential. Creating an environment of drawing out such potentials."

という意味(わたしの解釈です)の夢を言葉にし、行動に移しているひとに出会ったのだ。                                                                                                    I met a woman who made her dream into words and moved into action. 

話を聞いた直後は、自分自身となかなか結び付けられず、漠然と「すごいなぁ」と感じていた。                                                                                    Immediate after listening to the story, I wasn't quite connected with myself, and it was vaguely stunning.

“アントレプレナー”や“持続可能性” といったキーワードに強く惹かれている自分に気づいた。                                                                                            But over time, I realized that I was strongly attracted by keywords such as “entrepreneur” and “sustainability”.

「夢を言葉にして、行動していいんだ!」                                                  “Yes, I wanted to do this.”
“I can make my dream come true! "

"Then What I want to do?"

"Are there anything I can do?"

17歳の夏。                             夢に思えることも、言葉にして行動していい、と勇気をもらったわたしは、自分のワクワクすることに対する感性が鋭くなったようだった。気づけば、少しずつ、自分が見つけた未知のものに飛び込めるようになっていた。
When I was 17-year-old summer, I had the courage to talk about my dream and take action I began to jump into the unknown world that I found.


「社会イノベーター公志園」 とは?                                                              ( What is the〈A social innovator Koshien〉? Click the above Japanese words.  )
わたしのこころが動き出したきっかけ の             「WAKU WORK ENGLISH」 とは?                                                                   (What is the [Waku Work English]?Click the above Japanese words.)

