
シンガポール日記~これまでの道①~SG DIARY-Who am I vol.1-



行きたかった学部・学科の大学を卒業後、わたしはどうしてもどこかに就職するイメージが持てずにいた。One year and a half ago, I couldn’t decide my way of life after graduating from my University.

悩んだ末 ”大切にしたいこと”を見つめるという、贅沢な、でも自分にとっては大切な理由で、学部と同じ 社会福祉学専攻の修士課程に入学した。
As a result of thinking, I entered the master's program of social services major same as the undergraduate’s my major. This decision I feel really luxury, but was important for me, in order to stare at the “the important things for my life”.

The day after taking the national exam of a social worker,

わたしが2歳の時から、(2歳まではシカゴ)東京で働いてきた父がいきなりシンガポールに転勤することになったのだ (・・)!! 
My father, who had been working in Tokyo since I was 2 years old (He worked in Chicago when I was born.)was suddenly transferred to Singapore!!

わたしの頭には、「まずは卒業する」という ”すべきこと”が頭に浮かんでいた。
In my head, "I should graduate" comes to mind.

But after a while, listen to my heart’s voice,


then I found that the excitement of
"I want to touch the real world!"
“I want to meet lots of people!”                    these words clearly springs up from the depths.

When I think again about it, I've always longed to have a deep relationship with people from other cultures, since I was little.

I wasn't able to come up with anything other than the option to go for it.

“Hum,,, Let's jump into this chance!”

(I will write about my days in Singapore after. Its for my records. )
