

僕が大好きな小学生向け伝記シリーズ「Who was...?」

このシリーズのうちの「Who was Anne Frank?」を読んだので、チャプターごとのサマリーと、さらにアンネ・フランクを知りたい人のためのリンクを貼りました!


1. A Happy Home

Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, 1929. Her family consisted of father Otto, mother Edith, and older sister Margot. Otto, Anne called him Pim, loved to read stories to his daughters and play games with them.The family moved into Amsterdam by 1934 to flee from the Nazis.

2. A New Home

Anne's childhood in Amsterdam was the same as that of other children's in many ways.
Anne played several pranks with her classmate. She loved movies and wished to be one of the movie stars someday. Most of all, she liked to read history and Greek myths books.

3. Another World War

The first months of 1940 in Amsterdam were so cold that the canals froze, which enabled Anne to spend uncountable hours on ice-skating. Later in that year, however, the German soldiers invaded in the Netherlands. Since then things got only worse and worse.

4. Occupied!

After the Nazis' occupation, the number of prohibitions for Jewish citizens like the Franks gradually increased. First, movies were banned. Then usage of benches was segregated. Finally, the authority took summer leisure like beaches and pools from them.

5. Yellow Stars

The Nazis would take pleasure in making public spectacles of the Jews. For instance, the Germans ordered the Jewish people to wear patches of the Star of David on their clothes. But the citizens put the star on the chest proudly. They were proud of being Jewish.

6.  Kitty

On Anne's thirteenth birthday in 1942, she received a diary as a gift. She named it "Kitty" after her old friend. A doomful letter from the Nazis arrived at the Franks' house in July of 1942, which ordered Margot to go to a labor camp. This event made the family go into hiding.

7. The Secret Annex

The Franks were not the only family who lived in the Secret Annex. Mr. and Mrs. Van Pels and their son Peter, and Fritz Pfeffer also moved into hiding. Anne spread her favorite postcards of movie stars and royal family members across the wall of her and Fritz's room.

8. Caught!

Luck didn't last for ever. The Nazis soldiers finally stormed the Secret Annex and caught eight refugees including Anne. Then the Nazis sent Anne and others to concentration camps in Auschwitz. There, Margot and she breathed their last due to typhus in March of 1945.

9. One Dream Comes True

Among Anne's family, only did Otto Frank return to Amsterdam in June, 1945. The father devoted the rest of life to publish his beloved daughter's diary and make the Secret Annex open to the public. The book was called "Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl." And the hideout became open publicly in 1960.


Anne Frank House:アンネ・フランク生涯や博物館の情報が掲載されています。(英語)

増補新訂版 アンネの日記 (文春文庫)

・アンネの日記(1959年映画版:原題「The Diary Of Anne Frank」)




