
Essay of conclusion type.タイトル:なぜ日本人は日本に住んでいるのか?(外国に行かないのか)

B: Essay of conclusion type.
1.     イントロダクション
2.     理由1
3.     理由2
4.     理由3
5.     結論
This is an example essay. Please check this essay.

Why Japanese people are staying in Japan? (Not going out to abrades)

1.     Many Japanese people like staying in Japan. Nowadays, there are many foreign citizen in Japan for working here. Even here in Japan, our co-workers are not only Japanese and schoolmates are some of half-nationality. We will grow up this country, how many Japanese will go out from Japan for living and studying or and so on.

2.     First Japan is safety country. Some country have high crime rate, maybe their citizen would like to go out their country. It is one of the trigger of escaping from own country.

3.     Secondly, Japanese food is delicious for Japanese. When we have a chance to visit foreign country, we can eat their country foods. Most of Japanese people miss always own foods. Especially they bring Japanese food into their packs for eating when they want to eat Japanese food in abroad.

4.     Third reason is Japan has a lot of work for Japanese people and stable work environments. Many foreigners would like to go out their home country for seeking work opportunity because of lacking chance to work.

5.     We can think Japanese people are easy to stay in Japan because of above reasons. Japan is stable for living.



1. 多くの日本人は日本に滞在するのが好きです。現在、日本では多くの外国籍の方が働いています。ここ日本でも、同僚は日本人だけでなく、同級生にもハーフの人がいます。私たちはこの国で成長し、どれだけの日本人が生活や勉強のために日本から出て行くのだろうか。

2. 第一に、日本は安全な国です。犯罪率の高い国があると、その国の国民は自国から出たいと思うかもしれません。これは、自国から脱出するきっかけの一つです。

3. 第二に、日本人にとって日本食は美味しいものです。外国に行く機会があれば、その国の料理を食べることができます。日本人の多くは、自分の国の食べ物が恋しくなるものです。特に、海外で日本食を食べたいと思ったときに、日本食を持ち込んで食べます。

4. 第三の理由は、日本には日本人のための仕事がたくさんあり、安定した労働環境があることです。多くの外国人は、働く機会がないため、母国を離れて仕事を探したいと思っています。

5. 以上のような理由から、日本人は日本に滞在しやすいと考えることができます。日本は生活する上で安定している。

以下 DeepL

Why do Japanese people stay in Japan? (Not going abroad)

  1. many Japanese people like to stay in Japan. Many foreign nationals are currently working in Japan. Here in Japan, my co-workers are not only Japanese, but some of my classmates are also half Japanese. We wonder how many Japanese will grow up in this country and how many will leave Japan to live and study here.

  2. First, Japan is a safe country. If a country has a high crime rate, its citizens may want to leave their own country. This is one of the reasons to escape from one's own country.

  3. Second, Japanese food is delicious for Japanese people. If you have a chance to go to a foreign country, you can eat the food of that country. Many Japanese people miss the food of their own country. Especially, when they want to eat Japanese food abroad, they bring Japanese food with them.

  4. The third reason is that there are many jobs for Japanese in Japan and a stable working environment. Many foreigners want to leave their home country to look for work because they do not have the opportunity to work.

  5. For the above reasons, Japanese people can consider it easy to stay in Japan. Japan is a stable place to live.



Overall, this essay touches on some valid points about why Japanese people may choose to stay in their home country instead of going abroad. However, there are some areas where the writing could be improved to better convey the intended message.

In the first paragraph, the sentence "We will grow up this country" is a bit unclear. It's not entirely clear what the author is trying to say here, and the grammar also needs some work. Additionally, while the paragraph mentions that many foreigners work in Japan, it's not clear how this relates to the topic of Japanese people staying in Japan.

The second paragraph is more concise and to the point. Safety is definitely a big factor for why some people may choose to stay in Japan, and it's good that the author mentions this.

In the third paragraph, the writing gets a bit confusing again. It's not clear why the author is talking about Japanese people bringing their own food abroad, and it doesn't seem to relate to the topic of why people stay in Japan. Additionally, the grammar could use some work in this paragraph.

The fourth paragraph is a bit repetitive in terms of the point about work opportunities. It might have been better to combine this point with the second paragraph, which also talks about job stability in Japan.

The final sentence in the essay is a bit abrupt and doesn't provide a lot of closure. It might be helpful to summarize the main points made in the essay or provide some concluding thoughts.

Overall, the essay could benefit from some clearer organization and more cohesive writing. However, the author does make some valid points about why Japanese people may choose to stay in Japan.









