
He attended Harvard Law School 彼は1862年にハーバード・ロースクールに短期間通学しましたbriefly in 1862 ・・・ヘンリー・ジェームズがフランスに永住することを決意し、その後ロンドンに移った背後にはいくつかの理由

He attended Harvard Law School briefly in 1862 but then decided that literature was his calling. He settled permanently in England in 1876 (after moving back and forth between America and Europe and after trial residences in France and Italy). James never married. He maintained close ties with his family, including William's children. He kept up a large correspondence, was extremely sociable, and knew most of his contemporaries in the arts. His prodigious creative energy was invested for more than fifty years in what he called the "sacred rage" of his art. Leon Edel, James's influential modern biographer, divides the writer's mature career into three parts. In the first, which culminated with The Portrait of a Lady (1881), James felt his way toward and appropriated the so-called international theme-the drama, comic and tragic, of Americans in Europe and occasionally of Europeans in America. In the second period, he experimented with diverse themes and forms--initially in novels dealing explicitly with the social and political currents of the 1870s and 1880s, such as The Princess Casamassima, then in writing for the theater, and finally in shorter fictions exploring the relationship of artists to society and the troubled psyches of oppressed children, as in What Maisie Knew (1897). In his last period, the so-called major phase, which culminated with The Golden Bowl (1904), he returned to international and cosmopolitan subjects in elaborately complex narratives of great epistemological and moral challenge to readers. Three of his earliest books, A Passionate Pilgrim (stories), Transatlantic Sketches (travel pieces), and Roderick Hudson (a novel), were published in 1875. The American (1877) was his first successful extended treatment of the naive young American in conflict with the traditions, customs, and values of the Old World. Daisy Miller (878), with its portrayal of the "new" American girl, brought him widespread popu-larity. In this "study," as it was originally subtitled, a stubbornly naive American girl willfully resists European (and American) social mores. These works show James as neither a chauvinist for America nor a resentful émigré but a true cosmopolitan concerned with exploring American national character as it is tested by cultural displace-ment. In Daisy Miller in particular, James's skillful use of the limited point of view depicts a character who is himself limited by self-absorption and class position and who is thus unable to see Daisy for who she is.




Henry Jamesはフランスに永住の決意をもって移住したが、なぜロンドンに移ったのですか?



  1. 文学的な環境とインスピレーション: フランスはジェームズにとって文学的なインスピレーションの源でした。彼はフランス文学、特に19世紀のフランス小説家に非常に影響を受けました。彼はフランス文学の大家と交流し、その文学環境に魅了されました。

  2. 創作活動の拠点: フランスはジェームズにとって創作活動の拠点として理想的でした。彼はフランスで多くの作品を執筆し、その環境が彼の文学的なスタイルやテーマに影響を与えました。

  3. 文化的多様性: パリは当時から国際的な都市であり、さまざまな文化的背景を持つ人々が集まっていました。ジェームズはこの文化的多様性に魅了され、異なる視点と経験から学び、創作に取り入れました。


