

2014年に誰かがUNRWA 運営の学校の敷地内にロケットを隠していたことが分かって、国連が関係者を非難。

国連はさらに調査を進めて、2015年には、ハマスと(または)イスラミック・ジハードがUNRWA 運営の学校の敷地内にロケットを保管して、学校内からロケットを発射していたことを認めた。


UNRWA condemns placement of rockets, for a second time, in one of its schools | UNRWA
22 July 2014


Today, in the course of the regular inspection of its premises, UNRWA discovered rockets hidden in a vacant school in the Gaza Strip. As soon as the rockets were discovered, UNRWA staff were withdrawn from the premises, and so we are unable to confirm the precise number of rockets. The school is situated between two other UNRWA schools that currently each accommodate 1,500 internally displaced persons.

UN admits Palestinians fired rockets from UNRWA schools - UN Watch
April 7, 2015
Uncategorized, UNRWA

Hamas and/or Islamic Jihad stored rockets in UNRWA schools.

Hamas and/or Islamic Jihad stored rockets in schools that were in active use by children.

Hamas and/or Islamic Jihad fired rockets from UNRWA schools.
