
英語日記 2023/08/05(SAT) 美容院で書いた文

>Student (わたしが書いた文)

I like simple and cheap yogurt. I always put honey and soybean flour. Honestly, I don’t care the taste of yogurt because it only tastes like honey and soybean flour. Maybe tofu is able to be replaced yogurt.

I am in barbershop and I am writing it now. I go to the barbershop once a month. It makes me a little tired. If I have long black hair, I would go to the barbershop only once for a half year. But in reality, I have short brown hair. I have a lot of gray hair, so I need to get my hair dyed frequently.

Do you have some annoying habits you need? I also have a habit of buying some 2 liters of waters every time I go to supermarkets. Moreover And I take them to the company every weekdays.

>Corrections (修正された文)

I like simple and cheap yogurt. I always put honey and soybean flour on mine. Honestly, I don’t care for the taste of yogurt because it only tastes like honey and soybean flour. Maybe tofu is a good replacement for yogurt.

I am in a barbershop as I write this. I go to the barbershop once a month. It makes me a little tired. If I had long, black hair, I would go to the barbershop only once every six months. But in reality, I have short, brown hair. I have a lot of gray hair, so I need to get my hair dyed frequently.

Do you have any annoying habits? I also have a habit of buying some 2-liter bottles of water every time I go to supermarkets. Moreover, I take them to my company every weekday.


I always put honey and soybean flour
→ I always put honey and soybean flour on mine.
この on mine って何だ…? って考えたのですが、mine は「(自分が食べる)ヨーグルト」のことで、on は 「put~on…」=「~を…の上に置く」の on ですね。

Maybe tofu is able to be replaced yogurt.
→ Maybe tofu is a good replacement for yogurt.
「a good replacement for」 =「置き換え可能」は覚えないと出てこない言い回しだ、覚えよう。

I am in barbershop and I am writing it now.
→ I am in a barbershop as I write this.
この as って何だ…? と思い調べたのですが、こちらのサイト(プロリア英会話)によると、「時」を表現する「as」:「〜のとき」「〜しながら」の用法のようです。whenとは異なり、2つのことが同時進行しているニュアンスを含むのだそう。as にはホントに色々な意味がありますね。

If I have long black hair, I would go to the barbershop only once for a half year.
→ If I had long, black hair, I would go to the barbershop only once every six months.
文末の a half year がsix month に置き換わっていたのですが、もしや半年って単位はあまり英語では使わない……? 


今回は美容院で書いたのでその話題になりました。皆さんは美容院でどのように過ごしますか? 私はこの英語日記を始めてからは専ら英語日記を書いてます。モチベが上がらないときは、美容院に用意されたタブレットで雑誌を読んだり、スマホをいじったり。昔は紙の雑誌が出てきたものですが、最近はどこへ行ってもタブレット。「用意された雑誌で、美容師にどのような印象を持たれているか分かる」っていうのはもはや平成のあるあるネタですよね。



